Dust for Life - A Tribute profile picture

Dust for Life - A Tribute

About Me

This is NOT the OFFICIAL DUST FOR LIFE Myspace page!The OFFICIAL DUST FOR LIFE PAGE can be found at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/DUSTFORLIFEMUSIC. Please take the time to visit their site to get the latest updates for interviews and shows!The gydget below is linked to them and you can purchase their brand new cd by clicking on it.I made my own Dust for Life artwork here using the only DFL logo that I could find(steal) from DFL's web site and Adobe Photoshop pretty much took care of the rest.Anyway,here it is...A Tribute to Dust For Life...-Peace.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/07/2008
Band Members: For now.... Chris Gavin and Jason Hughes(DFL Founders),who are the primary songwriters and producers of DFL's signature sound.Check out these Fantastic videos!Dust for Life - Seed Dust for Life - Step Into The Light
Influences: Black Sabbath/Led Zeppelin/Alice in Chains
Sounds Like: Listen For Yourself!Here's The Brand New CD! "The Consequence of Vanishing"

Chris Gavin and Michael McSorley's latest side project/cover band is now GUNSHOW with Rick Shelton on drums and Keith Blanchard on guitar.Check 'em out @ www.myspace.com/gunshowcoverband
Record Label: BUY DFL DOWNLOADS at www.qtrnote.com

My Blog

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