I'm using this box for my latest idea...
Hmm...an idea for rehabilitating nudists back to wearing clothes again....So heres how it works......I will have a house and acres of land behind me, i will fence in the acres of land behind me and put nice things likepicnic tables and ping pong and little shacks to sleep in. Ill attract nudists from around the world with catchy theme songs to my commercials, and calling fellow nudist colonies with wait lists and take in those who have not gotten their "nude" on in a real colony yet. They'll come from far and wide to get a taste of the "free" life, and once i've gotten to my capacity...thats when thigns start to go down hill for our naked friends......things will start disappearing to get "repairs" done but theyll never come back, and once all the shacks, ping pong tables, picnic tables, showers, and all personal items are gone, the real fun will begin. now before i start in on my torturous climax to the nudey nude world, let me tell you that it is them who fucked themsleves over. I say this beczuase.....i have made sure they have a nice stream full of mountain fresh drinking water.... and it is their choice whether they're gongi to fuck it up by bathing in it and then dying from nasty diseases and infections. Also, my nudists are given hay upon the beginning of summer (theyll arrive in spring) and this will suffice as bedding for the warmer months yet to come, but in fall and winter...they have to fend for themselves...id think dry leaves would be the bedding of choice, but i hope that my nakeds' r smart enuff to keep theyre leaves out of the rain or theyll be screwed for winter time...sry folks....Their are no exits and the fence is rigged with barbed wire and electricity...but if you somehow manage to succeed an escape...be ready for a big fat charge of indecent exposure for ur bare ass. Anyways....so by now fall would be the starting of survival of the fittest, bread is no longer beng thrown over the fence.....so u wanted get free? get free while fending for ur damn self.....get ur own food...altho theres no animals around becuz they were all driven out with the construction of this fence, and keeping warm, hah! good freakin luck. so as xmas arrives, i get a splendid idea for my nudists....because by now they are all freezing and starving and beginning there decent into mental disintegration along with sure thots of cannibolism....and itll begin with one delicious, hot tasty chicken wing. yes the chicken wing...at this point i think even the vegetarians dont even care how the chicken died...they just want it....so ive decided ill host a show of it......sell tickets...all my closest friends and supporters of this colony will be there, and money will go towards w/e we feel like spending it on hehe. So ive sold out the tickets, everyones gatherd in bleachers around teh colony, the nudists tend to stay near the part of the elctric fencce near teh house becuz it puts off some heat and hte house helps block some of the icy wind.....for all the people here to watch the fight, there is hot cocoa and hot cider and other yummy hot things to eat...so the nudists r quite delirious at teh sight of such a feast to them. it's time now.....the hot chicken wing is in teh air....naked people starting to growl and grunt and push and shove....and its dropped!! total chaos in the casa de las nakeds'!!!!!!!!!!!!!(To be Continued...)