So...Hiphop definatly isn't dead, but it damn sure looks that way sometimes. We seem to be in a creative recession. Some artist are puttin' out some real original work. Others, well lets just say, they aren't really stepping up to the plate. The crazy thing is, nobody seems to be callin out the half steppas anymore. Video countdowns, music reviews, all seem to just be FEELIN whatever any artist crams down the consumers throat. N frankly, some people are just fed up with the BS...
So, we decided to create a place that REAL feedback could be given. We (brief intro... Smurf n CDS (Central District Slick)), are tryna clear some space where that can go down. Where we can critique (and applaud) Hiphop and her imagery. But this isnt really just about our opinion, its about YOURS. So be brutally honest. No need to hold back here...
We are tryna make this as legit as possible. There are definately some artist that we just dont like, but EVERYONE is gonna get a fair shot here.
Songs and videos will be rated on 5 areas. Originality, Lyrics, Beat, Concept, and Swag. Then we'll convert the overall rating to a simple "1 to 5 headphones" rating. The more headphones, the more play we think the song/video should get. Pretty basic...ORIGINALITY : Just ask yourself... "Have i heard/seen this before?" and if so, did *whomever* do it like everyone else, or did they come original with it?LYRICS : Ok man, not every song has to be on some socially conscious, "save the children" platform (eventho we aren't knockin' that). But damn, is the artist even sayin anything??PRODUCTION : This includes beat, vocals, ad libs, and everything in between. Strip the song of its words, and does the instrumental (+ hook) still have you loving the song?CONCEPT : This is more for video ratings, but can apply to songs. Is the overall idea that the artist came up with even interesting? Or was it some cookie-cutter, watered down, mess that you've seen time and time again (i.e. ummmm party scene by the pool, 2 rappers, 100 + scantily clad females)SWAG : Man, the truth is, sometimes and artist wont be talkin' about a DAMN thing. Beat will be marginal. N honestly, you've heard/seen it all before. But dammit if their SWAG didnt wanna make you bump that song all night long. Its the "X" factor..... Myspace Layout