music, laughing, feeling free, meeting new people, dancing in random places, writing stories, talking.. you know.
anything except country and rap. seriously, lol :D
Super Troopers, the Labrinth, House of 1000 Corpses, Little Miss Sunshine, both Jackass's, Spirited Away. Give me a good horror movie, or comedy and i'll be satisfied.
FUSE, south park, family guy, american dad, scrubs, futerama, myth busters, cops, nijia warrior, occasionally i'll watch the history channel or the discovery channel, but i prefer not to sit around and watch t.v. all day.
Harry Potter (5), Memoirs of a Geisha, the Jester, Rose Madder.. Gimme Steven King, or James Paterson and I'll be set. Any other authors that write horror, or detective books are fantastic as well.