Robin C. Fuller profile picture

Robin C. Fuller

the bluebird can sing, but the crow's got the soul

About Me

my name is robin, i make music videos and animated films like the one belowplease visit my website to see more of my work. you can find it at you may like it, or you may feel like this guy....
"all you freaks who think this is some kind of award winning movie you have some serious issues. that is the weirdest creepiest thing i have ever seen. whoever made that needs some serious psyciatric help."
Ian 16/02/08 - yahoo video

however you feel about it, thank you for looking.

Shaped By Fate - They Told Me You Were Dead from robin fuller on Vimeo .

Mammon - Robin Fuller from robin fuller on Vimeo .

My Interests

obscure words particularly sesquipadalian, film techniques, french accents, blastbeats, true love, catharsis, pretending to be pretentious, free haircuts.

I'd like to meet:

the whores, the bores, savages and infidels. Belly dancers and snake charmers. The weak minded, the corrupt, the downright evil. The lovers, the mothers, the sisters and brothers. The blind, the deaf and all the others. The sinners, the winners, the long rotten dead. The devils, the angels and the man upstairs.


The Brothers Quay, Jan Svankmyer, Rules of attraction, Labarynth, The Dark Crystal, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, pretty much anything by Terry Gilliam, Michelle Gondrey or Guillermo del Toro. The Princess Bride and tons of others.


you should be climbing a tree or something


Poetry by Philip Larkin, Paradise Lost, The Rules of Attraction, The Divine Comedy, Clockwork Orange, Less Than Zero, And the Ass Saw the Angel, anything by Edward Gorey, old medical books, reproductions of Davinci's note books, reference books with pictures of crocodiles and things like that.


my father for sure, Leonardo Da'Vinci, Henry Rollins, Eric Ozenne, Ray Harryhausen... Hell anyone with real passion for what they do.

My Blog


that's right. I have copies of the 2007 and 2008 Slamdance film festival DVDs for sale.2007's DVD is an all animation affair featuring 15 of the most exciting and interesting animated films from all a...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 02:03:00 PST

another Adam and Robin masterpiece:

.. Add to My Profile | More Videosso we made this for the Dorito make an advert competition. We didn't make it through to the final selection, but we had fun making it. Thanks to everyone...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:45:00 PST

between her ribs

The knife made a noise like tearing silk as it scraped between her ribs. It went in so easily, right up to the hilt as though it was somehow meant to be. The soft, warm flesh wrapping itself around th...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 07:21:00 PST

the nail in the coffin

Is that you hammering the nails into my coffin? I thought I recognised your perfume but its possible that I'm wrong, I have been before. I lay and watch the tiny metal spears bully their way through t...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Wed, 30 May 2007 04:48:00 PST

I am a puppet made of meat.

I am a puppet made of meat. A ghastly marionette fashioned from discarded scraps of bone, sinew, muscle and skin. A Frankensteinian creation. An abomination against nature and God. My lifeless limbs a...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 05:16:00 PST

My Bed

My bed is not really a bed at all, but just a simple mattress laid upon the floor. It lies at a slightly awkward angle where the radiator juts out from the wall, stopping the bed from lying flush with...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:34:00 PST

Dear America

dear america. I'm coming to get you.people of Utah, lock up your sons
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:43:00 PST

the constellations of this town

The moon leered down at me like the face of some sickly perverted uncle as I spun around my orbit. One more star among the multiple constellations of the town, each galaxy exploding in slow motion, se...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:24:00 PST

There's blood on my shoelaces

sometimes i wonder how i managed to live to 25
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:59:00 PST

the land of the dead

Meanwhile, back in the land of the dead, I lay sprawled on my back like some ancient reptile. Gulping down great lungfuls of the greasy, blood stained air. My fingers twitched and squirmed like dying ...
Posted by Robin C. Fuller on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST