Out Now:
Freddy Todd 'Ghost Dance Messiah' EP
Available now at: iTunes /
Juno / Addictech / Amazon ( UK / FR / DE )
Ill Cosby 'Lo Oyen' single
Remixes from Emvee and Dubbel Dutch
Available now at: iTunes /
Juno / Addictech / Amazon ( UK / FR / DE )
Freddy Todd 'Can't Fathom This' single
Remixes from NastyNasty, Om Unit, and RNDMS
Available now at: Addictech
(Juno release date: February 16, 2010)
Ill Cosby 'The Powerful' (UK Versions)
Remixes from Irrelevant and Abacha
Available Now: Addictech / Juno
Ill Cosby 'The Powerful' (NW Versions)
Remixes from 214 and Place
Available Now: Addictech / Juno
Coming Soon:
Gremino 'Screech' / 'Wobbler' single (February 16, 2010)
NUMBJAC 'The Paradox Theory' EP (February 16, 2010)
Distal 'OLDBOYMAN / We Are VCR' single (March 2, 2010)
MusSck 'The Science of Building / The Victim of a Scam' single (March 16, 2010)
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