sleeping, accumulation of useless and random knowledge,hydroponic "lettuce" cultivation,microbrews, ....?
Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?
Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.
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far too many to name...bob dylan, ledbelly, john steinbeck
kinda all over the place on this one... dylan, the doors, sublime, ledbelly, buckcherry, clapton, and of course StarSkream come to mind
again random and often obscure...half baked,dazed and confused and goodfellas are my fav's though
tv sucks i try to avoid it as much as possibile, ok so i got sucked in...really startin to dig cable series';like "weeds" n "meadowlands" now...thanx jaimes!!!
yeah pretty much any printed word i dig... back to accum. of useless knowledge
my grandfather