I am a model Sagittarius :)
I'm an optimist. I'm usually in a good mood. I usually see the bright side of things. I usually have a good time whatever I'm doing, and try to make the best of things. I usually get along with everyone... even people I don't like (I can still be cordial). If you're a pessimist... if you are the type of person that usually only sees the negative side of things... we probably wont end up spending much time together.
I am musical. My family is musical. I can sing. I play many different instruments... but I'm a master of none. I am currently the singer and bassist in a group called Deeper Water .
I am a geek. I love technology. I went to school for engineering. I didn't fit in with the other engineers. I try not to talk about it much to people I've just met, as I assume it will bore them to tears :)
I am an entrepreneur. I do my own thing. I make my own living. I would rather wake up and work hard than be complacent.
I love to learn. I love to read. I love to meet and talk with people that have in-depth knowledge of something I don't.
I enjoy taking care of body/health. I like to try and eat right. I like to work out. I want to live as long as possible, so I take care of my body as best I can. I like to meet people that do the same.
I am fun/funny... I have a good sense of humor. I like to meet people that I can't keep up with. I like people that can put me in my place.
I am honest and trustworthy... that is, if you've earned it. I hate lying... it's too much work to maintain the web. If you are my friend, then I will help you in need.
I am the opposite of religious... but I'm spiritual as it applies to the human mind. I'm enamored with the human psyche. There's plenty of power within ourselves already... there's no need to invent gods.
Here are some recordings from the band: I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net