katie fabulous profile picture

katie fabulous

theres beauty in the breakdown

About Me

A sense of humor is better than any pretty face. Table manners will get you farther than any degree, and I am unusually hard to hold on to. I have the attention span of a gnat, and am mildly obsessed with Chelsea Handler. I'm pretty dramatic, very needy and ultra obnoxious but no one seems to mind."Somebody better tell em that they can't do it like I can."


My Interests

mini vans

I'd like to meet:


red hot chili peppers
jimmy eat world
blind melon
the allman brothers
goo goo dolls
ryan adams
lady sov
lily allen
shiny toy guns
widespread panic


"I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent." -blow



brave new world
oh the places you'll go
falling up
the giving tree
to kill a mockingbird
on the road
girl, interrupted
prozac nation
cats cradle
streetcar named desire
the great gatsby
a million little pieces
the crucible
davinci code


brittles, eyin, caroline

My Blog

its that time again, im feeling inspired

things ive learned. as of 9/11/07it was a good day.   if your shirt says "mclovin" people cease to take you seriouslycoffee is best enjoyed early in the morning and for no reasonthere is no such ...
Posted by katie fabulous on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:08:00 PST

on the road.

"I woke up as the sun was reddening; and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didn't know who I was- I was far away from home, haunted and tired with travel, ...
Posted by katie fabulous on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:20:00 PST

just dont know what to do with myself.

its writing season. iswearimnotcrazy"this is the night, what it does to you"right now, im writing. alot. moreso that usual, i have alot to say at the moment. im confused at the moment. illl let you k...
Posted by katie fabulous on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 09:51:00 PST

swing low

rocco deluca and the burden was the greatest idea ever.lets start with some introductions:meet sara:meet katie:it begins on 400:and is all down hill from there.after a billion pictures of ourselves th...
Posted by katie fabulous on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:23:00 PST

cover songs and sunrises.

well....youll all be happy to hear that my damien rice obsessions is finally subsiding. :)and im gonna be a champion wake boarder if this damn sunburn will ever go away. oh, and good news:im freeeeeee...
Posted by katie fabulous on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:04:00 PST

live and let die.

"You Gotta Do It WellYou Gotta Give The Other Fellow Hell" -live and let die. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j153/katie_fabulous/photog raphy.jpg.. wow. its been a long road. a hard road. but a go...
Posted by katie fabulous on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

these are a few of my favorite things......

These are a few of my favorite thingssssss:as of 12:42 A.M. on June, 18th 2007by july 18th, they will have changed.   ten hottest people ever:             te...
Posted by katie fabulous on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:21:00 PST

in the early morning rain....

"with a picture of you holding a picture of me, in the pocket of my blue jeans..."     you got me on my knees.......
Posted by katie fabulous on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:02:00 PST


[Marital Status]im not married.[Shoe size]seven and a half. but in flexible if they're cute.[Parents still together]no sir[Siblings]bff. slebber.[Pets]wow. relay, izzy (dogs) and bayou (the bird)FAVOR...
Posted by katie fabulous on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:19:00 PST

this ones for you

take this. its fun. but hard.   http://www.testriffic.com/friendtest/687421
Posted by katie fabulous on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 03:58:00 PST