You'll never take my love away, our love away, ever
June 18th 2008. I am who I am! I have NO FUCKING CLUE where my life is leading and I'm fucking scared. I hate everything! I have 2 jobs but I only love my job at Hot Topic and my family there! I miss my bestest friend in the whole universe Jonathon Miller. He knows me better than anyone, even myself. There is a gaping hole in my heart and situations SUCK. ANYWAYS, music consumes my life. I love concerts more than..uh anything. I LOVE FULL HOUSE and it's basically what I watch when I'm not on the computer. I'm addicted to lame reality TV shows too. My life is a pitt of lame, in my eyes anyways. I love hanging out with mah friendz! AND TYPING LIKE A LAMER! I hate most of society and will fight them. I HATE FAT CUNTS! I can talk shit for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS. It makes me uneasy when I spend a lot of money. AND I'M A MESS! zeh end!
June 21st 2008. When I see people kiss now I feel sick and disgusted. I am in love with the actor Jason Bateman and when I see him I get excited. I STILL think Deryck Whibley from Sum 41 is a hott son of a bitch. Sometimes I go to bed at 4am and wake up at 1pm...and don't even care. People make dumb decisions. Another Day by Mest sums up my shitty life right now. It makes my day when little kids run up to me and tell me they like my hair =]. ANNND FUCK LIFE =D!
June 23rd 2008. I've seen a monster. YOU LOOK LIKE A LEGIT MAN! I FEEL LIKE A SUPERMODEL COMPARED TO YOU! Caitlyn and I are in agreement that there is nothing you could do to hide your ugly. Well, maybe wear a bag on your head..actually your whole body but I'm not sure they make bags that big. You have 67 chins, your hair is nasty shit, your face is disgusting, you have a beard, you have no boobs, you got nothin but grossness. THE UGLIEST PERSON I and a bunch of my friends have EVER seen. I can't look at your picture without cringing. Honestly. Take one for the team and throw yourself off a cliff. I guess your outside matches your inside, FUCKIN GROSS! THE AMERICAN BISON. You are fuckin hideous and everyone who has ever seen you agrees. Just die. Please. Stop ruining the lives of so many.
June 28th 2008. "It's not your fault so please stop your crying now" - NFG