Piano, guitar, music, THE BEACH, COFFEE, eating...MMM FOOD, especially desserts...laying in the comfort of my bed with my huge goosefeather blanket, listening to music, reading magazines, spending time with my family and loved ones, watching movies, sitting at Starbucks with a good book in hand
Josh Groban, Amos Lee, Rachael Yamagata, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Starfield, Damien Rice, John Legend, The Frames
Life is Beautiful, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Love Actually, Green Mile, The Hot Chick, The Notebook, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Face Off, Speed, Crash, Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior and Crossing Over =) it's quite endless actually because I love watching movies
Grey's Anatomy, LOST, The FOOD Network, the NEWSSSSSS baby =]
The Bible, Every Young Woman's Battle, Redeeming Love, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Bias
my dad and mom, without a doubt