Literature, Friends, The Original Sin (Knowledge), Tacos, Making fun of Creed and Scott Stapp, Politics, Campaigning for Ron Paul
M.C. Escher and AristotleView All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
John Coltrane, Radiohead, Between the Buried and Me, Smashing Pumpkins...pretty much everything cool....I hate Seether, Nickleback, Creed, Hinder, and all that mainstream bullshit.
Zeitgeist, Loose Change Final Cut, 300, Black Snake Moan, Illuminati I and II: The Antichrist Conspiracy, 40 Year Old Virgin, Scent of a Woman, V for Vendetta, Old School, and Alex Jones Documentary, and much more...
Turner Classic Movies, Comedy Central, NFL Network, C-SPAN
1984; Godel, Escher & Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Brave New World, wait this is a waste of time because I have a shit ton of favorite books.
Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Thomas Jefferson, Jessie Owens, Kurt Godel, M.C. Escher, George Orwell, and many more...