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Richard Stogoski

I clean my apartment and make sure everything’s neat, but at the same time, I can be extremely messy.
I like to get my work done early however I can be the biggest procrastinator you’ll ever meet.
I love to eat healthy but I hit up Taco Hell on the weekends.
I’m all about staying healthy however I hit the hookah and party a lot.
I have a drivers license but I don’t have a car.
I will bike until the world comes to an end, but I love to hitch rides if I can.
Wait.. I bike everywhere but I eat doughnuts and junk food a lot...?

My name is Richard (I go by Rich), and most people online know me as either Nexus or Tatum. I’m a single, 21 year old, renting out a nifty 4 bedroom apartment in Charlottesville. I’m not in class at the moment, but I’m saving to afford tuition next year. Long story – but I lost a few scholarships and grants after a pretty bad car accident my freshman year. Even though how horrible that may (or may not) come across, I’m kinda glad it happened. I learned what it takes to support myself, not to mention, I did this in one of the most expensive counties in Virginia. I guess if this isn't enough and reading the rest of this profile just didn't cut it, I suppose you could find me on AIM if you have any questions or whatever: solarecliptic87

I love to play soccer! I learned how to play while living in the small, English town of Ramsey when i was 8 years old. Since then, I've been obsessed with the sport. When I moved to Virginia, I signed up in SOCA (a recreational soccer league). I never played for my high school - the coaches rarely knew what they were doing, not to mention our recreational soccer team BEAT our school's junior-varsity team and a rival school's varisity team. One of my best friends and I would practice all the time and would design plays only we would know. We had to keep the game interesting for the parents. Even though I've broken every toe, an arm, fingers left and right, nothing had deterred me from still kicking ass on the field!

Ever since I got rid of my car several months ago, I've really gotten back into biking. If the fifteen minute trips to the downtown mall or the half hour trips to Best Buy aren't enough, the 15 mile ride to work is enough to keep me into shape (maybe negate some of the partying I do?). There's just something about getting out and around the town and getting a work out that can't be beat. However, with something I enjoy, of course there comes the pain. I've had 4 car-related accidents since I started biking everywhere. My last accident ended in me flipping onto someone's hood, sliding off, and flopping around on the ground like a rag-doll. Needless to say, none of my accidents put me in the hospital (thankfully) so there's been no need to press charges or sue.

To all the motor vehicle drivers out there, I'd like to say a few words:

1: Just because someone's on a bike, doesnt mean they can't go fast...do not pull out in front of us.

2: Dont rev your engine...you have a 120+ horse power engine and a heavy foot...I have a pair of legs and a strained endurance... (It just makes you look dumb)

3: Please keep in mind that cyclists have a thing called an arm...and we use that arm to tell you which direction we are turning. If you see us with our arm extended to the left, dont speed up to pass us at our turn. Go ahead and wait that extra 3 seconds while we take our turn.

4: Last but certainly not least, cyclists have feelings. If you're dumb enough to hit us (or if we're dumb enough to jet out in front of you and get hit) please pull over to the side and see if we are alright. The one thing that really gets to me, personally, is when someone just drives off - we will remember your license plate and revenge is oh so sweet.
Hanging out with my best friends will always be one of my favorite ways to blast through some spare time. Lighting up the hookah or playing Gears of War has a certain appeal above everything else hah! Volleyball, Dodgeball, Swimming, playing Pool, whatever. It's all fun as hell. I have lots of hobbies and thankfully, only most of them remind me of how much a nerd I really am... haha

If this myspace page doesnt get the point across, I don't think there's much hope for you... I love web and graphic design! I started coding small webpages in eight grade using only html. That quickly got old when the fanciest thing I could do was center something on the page! Photoshop = Simply amazing. I was infatuated with being able to add customized graphics to pages. Over the course of high school, I learned a couple different languages (or enough to integrate them efficiently into a website. php, java, css and asp were of the group. I now work with web developement creating newsletters for our clients and websites on the site for some extra cash.

Games! Yes, gaming is a hobby - I think. :) For the computer, Unreal Tournament, the Knights of the Old Republic set, and Counter Strike Source were among my all-time favorite. The mouse I used on UT2K4 started showing severe signs of wear! I logged 40+ hours on XFire on UT2K4 and 60+ on CS:S (different years of course...)

Now I mostly use the Xbox 360. Consoles are so much cheaper to own...every year there's something else for the computer you have to buy (aside from the game) whether its a video card, more RAM, or, sometimes, an entire new computer. Consoles are just amazing from the start! haha. Gears of War and Star Wars: Force Unleashed are definitely my favorite for the 360. However Soul Caliber 4 and Guitar Hero are kickass as well.

Writing...yes, the techgeek loves English! Imagine that. I'm working on a story now for a scholarship to finally get down to business with school. I used to write Star Wars RPG Plots and run the Campaign with friends at school (here we are...back to the nerd-thing). If you're interested in keeping up with it's progress, feel free to find me on .. solarecliptic87.

There are a ton more hobbies I like to dabble with once in a while. Astronomy, star research, rock and coin collecting, and the occasional random Wikipedia browsing are among them.

On a side note, website template creation is not only a hobby but a part time job. Unless you are a band or a contracted individual or group, I wont create a custom Myspace page for you. Sorry.

If you'd like to put a face to the profile, feel free to check out whatever pictures I arbitrarily add in here.

View My Pics Here

Regardless of how much I may try to hide it or convince you otherwise, I’m such a nerd at heart. My favorite movie is Star Wars…doesn’t matter which one, I love them all (althought Empire Strikes Back is probably my top pick). My love for Star Wars can better be described as an obsession causing a mental lapse creating an alternate reality in which the Star Wars universe does exist... Okay, maybe I’m not that far along, but I do have a lot of LucasArts stuff. Games, Novels, RPG Manuals, scripts, clothes, lightsaber replicas, unused (First ticket sold in Charlottesville) ticket stubs, stickers, pez dispensers, music scores, full sheet posters, models, and pretty much everything else. Did you know they make a Star Wars Encyclopedia? Not many new people I meet know this about me, but my old friends are more than happy to bring it to light. And for all of you who may be interested, here are my favorites in the Star Wars categories:

360 Game: Star Wars Force Unleashed
PC Games: Star Wars KOTOR and Jedi Outcast
Novels: Children of the Jedi and Heir to the Empire Character: Yoda
Full Sheet Poster: Return of the Jedi (A1)
Movie: The Empire Strikes Back
(Origami Yoda)
This profile is © 2008 TatumzLyfe. All coding rights reserved. Please contact Richard Stogoski with any inquiries.

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