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About Me

Professional bum who plays computer games alot of the time.
My keyboard's a piece of crap, my father agrees.
I'm a big fan of Spiderman.
I have a degree haha oaft.
At the tender age of 22 i have completed my career goal of getting employment at Marks and Spencer haha what will i do with the rest of my life? At night I dress in drag and work as an Avon Lady
I like white streetlights and my bodywash looks like fake blood on my skin, its made of volcano!
I find jazz music completely unsatisfying and i don't like when clubs play that Northern Soul stuff, its not for me.
"You should not eat talking trees. Nope, nope nope."
Nothing makes me laugh quite like a To Let sign with an i drawn in the middle.
It's tough when your friends die. But cheer up. Back soon.
[email protected]
My unofficial bebo is at where lucky members will find lots o porno pix o me
I get pissed off on the bus havin to listen to shity technorave songs on peoples shitty phone speakers, one day when i'm stronger and braver i think il throw someones phone out the bus window. It'll be like in Taxi Driver but without guns. Il clean up the buses hahahaha
Tutti fukn fruity
I once swam 1 width, I have a badge to prove it.
Each night I go to sleep and a homeless man comes into my room and shaves a section of my fringe away, he then eats some of the hair and glues the rest to my nipples. Whoever it is better stop coz i'm getting sick of this. It's not funny anymore, damnit! .
I am actually a machine.
I do amazing shit impressions

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