.::KRiSTeN...iiM SWeeTiieBeaR!!::. profile picture

.::KRiSTeN...iiM SWeeTiieBeaR!!::.

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

..HeY HoWS iiT GoiiNG!!!!HeY eVeRYoNe!!!!! WeLL BeFoRe ii TeLL You aLLaBouT Me ii WaNT TOo TaLK Bout Mii BoYFRiieND aNDReW!!!!!oK We HaVe BeeN GoiiNG ouT FoR 2 WeeKS NoW!!! aND HeMeaNS THe WoRLD To Me YeSSS....We Do FiiGHT BuT WHaTCouPLe DoeSNT... aM ii RIiGHT BuT aNY WaYS So FaR He iiSTHe BEST THiiNG THaT HaS eVeR HaPPeNeD To Me THiiS YeaR!!! ii LoVe HiiM... aND ii ReaLLY DoNT aPPReCiiaTe aLL YouGiiRLS BeiiNG aLL oVeR HiiM!!! He iiS MiNe!!! JuST GetoVeR iiT!!!! ii LoVe You BaBY!!!oK So BaCK To MY SeLF oK MY NaMe iiS KRiiSTeN..iiaM a VaRSiTY CHeeRLeADeR!!! a BiiG BaD JR!!! Ya BaBY!!!ii LOVE To PaRTY HaVe FuN,MeeT NeW PePoLe, ii LoVeTo HaVE a GooD TiiMe....ii DoNT LiiKe To HAVeGRuDGeS...ii aM aN oVeR aLL CooL FuN PeRSoN!!!!ii HAVe AMaZiiNG FRiiNDS LiiKe Mii ToP NoTCHBeSTFRiieND SeNiia..ii LoVe HeR FoR aLWaYS aND eVeR!!! SHeiiS aLWaYS THeRe FoR Me!!!!!JuST To LeT You KNoW DoNT MeSSWiiT HeR!!! oH aND ii CaNT FoR GeT Mii PHoNe ii LoVeiiT!!! WeLL iiF YOu NeeD To KNoW aNY THiiNG eLSe JuSTaSK!!!!also just as bonnie says "It happens when theresnuttin else to do!!!"

My Interests

..this is my baby!!! ANDREW RAYMOND RUIZ-RINCON!!!!i love him so much!!! he means the world to me!! and for all you ladys he is mine not yours so back off ok!!!this right here is my best friend!!! senia i love you so much!!! you are the best!!!

I'd like to meet:

..this right here is my number one man lol CHRIS BROWN HE IS A BABE ....


i love any music....


I get The Cutest Layouts at www.CuteFreeLyts.com


my heros are my mom, dad, sisters and friends...well of course senia, my love andrew, also georgie boii my brother and alicia who make me happy.....THANK YOU

My Blog


HeY EVeRYoNe!!!WeLL ii JuST SToPeD BY To TeLL You BoUT Me aND MY BaBY aNDReW  .... eVeN THouGH We JuST STaRTeD OFF iiN THiiS ReLaTiioNSHiiP He SeeMS LiiKe THe RiiGHT GuY FoR Me.... He iiiS aWeSoM...
Posted by .::KRiSTeN...iiM SWeeTiieBeaR!!::. on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:35:00 PST


-- When you chew gum before you kiss,, it actually makes your breath SMELL WORSE than before because of your salivary glands ..// Mints work MUCH better. `*GUYS;: It is much more ROMANTiC to kiss us i...
Posted by .::KRiSTeN...iiM SWeeTiieBeaR!!::. on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

I love you

Never say i love you, if you really dont care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there. Never hold my hand if your going to break my heart.Nevere say you are going to 2, if you dont plan...
Posted by .::KRiSTeN...iiM SWeeTiieBeaR!!::. on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 05:58:00 PST