wazzup anyone!!!!!!!!
~ mY nAmE muZafaR moKHtaR..i'm UnprEDiCtAbLe..Sometimes can be very sensiTive Kind of peRson..sHy(except for those ppl who close to me)..EasY 2 maKe frenZ...buT Hard 2 forget mY frenZ..I goT a Good SenSe of huMor..HuMbLe..DoWn To EaRth..nEvER LoOK dOwN oTHer pEoPLe..doN'T sMoKe ~
i aM :
:: extraOrdinarY
:: siMpLe guY ~ NOT sofisticated
:: TaLkAtivE~ i couldn't stop when i start talking !~(certain ppl)
:: eaSy GoinG
:: FrieNdLy~i love to make new freNz
:: Good ListeNeR ~mayBe
:: SecreTive
:: HuMbLe
:: HonesT
:: FoRgivEr
:: LoVeabLe
:: SwEeT ~I guess so..HaHah!!
:: caRinG
:: UndeRStaNdinG...huhu~dunno... ppl said
:: fuNNy
:: SoMeTimEs cAn bE fuN 2 HanG out wiT..
:: oPen minded
:: energetic
:: hyPeR perSoN
:: sPorTinG
:: serious
:: iritates
:: sarcastic
:: tEMpEr?? dePends
:: biT moodY SomeTiMes
:: get annoyed easily
:: the choosen One...get to know me, then you'll know
i LoVe espeacially :
:: ?...
:: God
:: to be around with the ONE i love
:: mYseLf
:: exteremly mY FaMiLy ~of course
:: aTTention
:: mY BeStFrieNdS : I doN't have parTiculaR perSoN
:: HaNg OuT N WindoW ShoPPinG
:: special things
:: caR...My FaVoritE!
:: watcHing hoT chicKs
:: FOOD~cake N chocolate Lover
:: traveLLing N takinG pictuRes
:: PLaY FooTBaLL with mY BuddY
:: Get resT..owWh...ThE bEsT thinGs tO Do.. (",)
weLL.. i HATE :
:: who doesn't keep their promises
:: pRetEnDer
:: bAcK sTeBBeR
:: being Judge beHind my Back
:: ppl who are faKe (really can't tolerate them)
:: LiaRs
:: hYpocriTe persoN......
MoRe furTheR info, pLs MESSAGE me....sorry 4 inconvience....jUsT sHaRe WiTh Me ur idea... LaLALaLA...I really appreciate dat u guYs write a commenT at my page...By the way..for those who wanna drop me a comment..pLz do not post me video clips or songs coZ already haVe a background song on my page n I don't need another 2 or 3..if I received any..so sorry im gonna delete it..ok guys...thanks yaa..!! ..muaahs..!!!!