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I am here for Friends

About Me

To sum it up in a word; eccentric. .. or maybe, neurotic - depending upon who you talk to. The majority of my time is spent with the three circus monkeys who dwell in my home, and plotting slow sadistic ways to torture my beloved. I'm a big fan of fam n' friends time... hanging out at home, cookin' up a fabulous dinner ( or ordering pizza if I'm lazy ), and doing the whole quality time thing with my heathens, or my very favorite sister, Susan. And occasionally, a few good friends. Those of you who don't have to knock before entering - you know who you are, and we love you!!! I read, read and read.. more people should... brain food is the best food. I page everything from horror, non-fiction and sci fi, to poetry, true crime and a good ghost story. I simply adore Irish novelists. And female poets. I enjoy photography, scrapbooking my snapshots into something worthwhile, and overall craftiness. I consider myself to be a "quiet activist". **Trans. - I no longer handcuff myself to smokestacks and plot eco takeover, but I DO support a few worthy causes - especially the injustice of the West Memphis Three and I spend a lot of time working with my community to make it a better, safer, and more beautiful place to live. When I actually have 5 free seconds in my day, I'm happy plunking down in front of the TV for a good movie - the older the better. I am self proclaimed film junkie.

More Comments and Myspace Layouts at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The whole list of dead people aside... Anne Rice, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, Neil Gaiman, Maya Angelou, Bettie Page.. there are dozens of people that I find interesting, though not all of them are of celebrity status.People with real intellect... an IQ over that of the average 7 year old child, artistic souls, passionate writers, painters, film geeks, lovers of all things WWII era vintage... basically, if you aren't a MySpace whore, and we have some stuff in common, then I am not opposed to carrying a conversation.Please note:IF YOU ARE A BAND OR AN AUTHOR: I am no longer accpeting friend requests from artists on here. If you really want me to add your profile, then send me a message and tell me WHY. If I don't think you're bollocks awful, I'll send you a friend request.IF YOU ARE A MOVIE PROMOTER / ASPIRING DIRECTOR / : The same as above applies. Sell it to me. I have no patience for being bothered with something that will, in all likelihood lead to spam messages.IF YOU ARE JUST LOOKING TO ADD BODIES TO YOUR 'MOB FAMILY': Don't bother. It's just an extra application to run on my hard drive. I have enough of that crap thanks to the 'other guy', and that's all about to be stripped out as well. Also, if you are already on my profile and I just keep getting spammed with messages like "join my family" or "I'm low on energy" I will delete you. To me, it's just as stupid as the whore train craze from two years ago.IF YOU TYPE A CONVERSATION USING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING : 'gr8' 'ppl' 'ur' 'BFF' or any of the like, or if you are unable to discern the differences between 'your' and 'you're' or 'it's' and 'its' GO AWAY.Text type is for text messaging and forum chat only ( and only a bare minimum for the latter ). If you are too lazy to type out 'great', or truly do not grasp the English language, go back to high school. I'm not discriminating against spelling errors or honest to goodness typing mistakes - just stupid people.If you found any of the above offensive, then you should probably leave now. However, if you found yourself nodding along... welcome aboard!

My Blog

Something worth posting

First, thanks goes to Erin. My stopping by her blog enabled me to find this, and thus, brought about my need to post it and share it with all of you. If California can ever gets its head on straight, ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 11:55:00 GMT

This blew me away.

Every once in a while, a true streak of goodness comes forth, shining like a beacon of hope in the bleak of humanity.Makes even a harsh cynic like myself smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ****...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 15:49:00 GMT

Wrapping up round two ( days 27 - 29 )

A repost from last night on Blogspot.************************************************* Thursday and Friday were all about the flea market.I did last minute marketing, baking and spent several hours on...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 11:02:00 GMT

Round 2, Days 24, 25 and 26

This is a cross post from this morning, so if the timeline sounds a bit wonky as you're reading it, there's a reason behind your confusion.MySpace was being a big flaming turd this morning and wouldn'...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:39:00 GMT

Round 2, days 17 - 23

It's been a week already. Another week of not sitting still. Heck, for nearly 48 hours I didn't even have access to a computer or anything that remotely resembled internet to post if I'd wanted to.Let...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 04:24:00 GMT

Round 2, Day 16

Today's give was volunteerism. I spent the afternoon putting up lawn signs for the Democratic dandidate for our district's House of Represenatives seat. Fifty lawn signs, based on a list and map gene...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 23:44:00 GMT

Days 11 - 15 ( or "Where the heck did my week go?" )

I've sat down to blog three times this week, and all three times I had to get up and go do something before I was even halfway finished.Rather than give a day by day, because that would take volumes, ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 01:50:00 GMT

Round 2, Days 8 - 10

...don't think that because I haven't blogged, that I haven't been giving. I've been so busy that I haven't had the free time to sit still and blog! Day 8 ( Saturday ):Friday's heft and haul of offic...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:25:00 GMT

Round 2, Days 5 and 6

It's been one heck of a day, so this post will be very brief.Day 5 ( Thursday ):I worked on gifts for my kids' pen pals. I've been so busy that I just haven't had time to complete everything I set out...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:41:00 GMT

Too lazy to type it again...

Anyone who wants to see what I don't post over here, including some cute pics of my yahoos and such... here's my 'other' blog, linked up to Saturday's events.
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:55:00 GMT