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More Comments and Myspace Layouts at
The whole list of dead people aside... Anne Rice, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, Neil Gaiman, Maya Angelou, Bettie Page.. there are dozens of people that I find interesting, though not all of them are of celebrity status.People with real intellect... an IQ over that of the average 7 year old child, artistic souls, passionate writers, painters, film geeks, lovers of all things WWII era vintage... basically, if you aren't a MySpace whore, and we have some stuff in common, then I am not opposed to carrying a conversation.Please note:IF YOU ARE A BAND OR AN AUTHOR: I am no longer accpeting friend requests from artists on here. If you really want me to add your profile, then send me a message and tell me WHY. If I don't think you're bollocks awful, I'll send you a friend request.IF YOU ARE A MOVIE PROMOTER / ASPIRING DIRECTOR / : The same as above applies. Sell it to me. I have no patience for being bothered with something that will, in all likelihood lead to spam messages.IF YOU ARE JUST LOOKING TO ADD BODIES TO YOUR 'MOB FAMILY': Don't bother. It's just an extra application to run on my hard drive. I have enough of that crap thanks to the 'other guy', and that's all about to be stripped out as well. Also, if you are already on my profile and I just keep getting spammed with messages like "join my family" or "I'm low on energy" I will delete you. To me, it's just as stupid as the whore train craze from two years ago.IF YOU TYPE A CONVERSATION USING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING : 'gr8' 'ppl' 'ur' 'BFF' or any of the like, or if you are unable to discern the differences between 'your' and 'you're' or 'it's' and 'its' GO AWAY.Text type is for text messaging and forum chat only ( and only a bare minimum for the latter ). If you are too lazy to type out 'great', or truly do not grasp the English language, go back to high school. I'm not discriminating against spelling errors or honest to goodness typing mistakes - just stupid people.If you found any of the above offensive, then you should probably leave now. However, if you found yourself nodding along... welcome aboard!