Dakle, ime mi je Ivan Vuković, zovu me Vuka,
imam 17 godina, obitavam na podruÄju Splita,
srce mi kuca u sedamosminskoj mjeri.
Aktivno sviram bas, mandolinu,didgeridoo i tenor saksofon, malo
manje gitaru i irsku frulicu, a tu i tamo maltretiram i neke druge
instrumente Äisto rekreativno... izbjegavam pjevanje jer, iskreno,
nisam sadist.
Osim sviranjem, vrijeme gubim i produciranjem... to joÅ¡ uÄim u nadi
da ću jednog dana bit dovoljno dobar i imat svoj kućni studio
s pristojnom opremom, a zasad se snalazim s ovim Å¡ta imam.
Dodao sam još par komponenti u svoj "studio" pa i nije tako loše. ;)
InaÄe volim svirat s ljudima koji imaju volje, koji su puni opaljenih
ideja i prihvaćaju iste, a ostalo više-manje nije bitno =)
U svoje ćevape ni u ludilu ne stavljam ajvar, samo kajmak,
možda i malo kapule... ne previše.
So, my name is Ivan Vuković, friends call me Vuka,
I'm 17 years old and I'm from Split, Croatia.
I play the bass, mandolin, didgeridoo and a tenor sax most of the
time but I also play the guitar and the Irish whistle. Occasionally
I pick up some other instruments and mess around with them.
I avoid singing... it doesn't sound... good :P
Besides playing the music, I waste my time producing it too.
Actually I'm still going through the learning process but I hope that
some day I'll have my own home studio with decent equipment.
For now, I can manage to make some songs with some of the new
equipment which I bought and it doesn't sound too bad after all ;)
I like playing with positive people, especially if they have some wicked
ideas... nothing else really matters =)
Through The Clouds / Kroz oblake