Weldon Lemarc Brown
my godbabies are my life!!
I ♥ the San Antonio Spurs!! Basketball is one of the greatest things in the world!! Coming in second is football!! My best friends are by far the awesomest people in the world!!
I love you
Dubby [Weldon], Kayla, Jill, Schleckers (Chelsea), Schmidt(Jessica, or Jessi-Lynn) Rikki (Erica) n Donny!!
Jesus Christ is definetly my everything!!
& her true friends are always there
& she's happiest with her homeboys
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
& she will be your best friend, if you only let hers Custom Friends List
& she will be your best friend, if you only let her has God TRULY Blessed Me!! Friends
My older sister--Angeles---my best friend--ive been blessed!!
My younger big brother--Jose..'---my best friend--ive been blessed!!
Kayla G!! (Best Friend & mother of my .."niece.." Mar..'Kayla)
Schleckers!! (You look out for me no matter what best friend plus we love coffee dates!!)
Rikki-Jeanne (I can tell you ANYTHING Best Friend)
Schmidtke (i can be so open with you and Hot Pink wheel-chair best friend!! =] )
Jillian!! (Roommates, and we..'ve been through it ALL best friend)
Scooter!! One of the sweetest guys out there!! God blessed this kidd with TALENT!!
Brucey Bruce!! a good good friend with great advice!! my .."niece..'s.." daddy!!
Biscuit!! the .."over-protective big brother.." with Weldon !! i love this kidd!! soo muchh!! great friend and looks out for me!!
one of the GREATEST cousins ever!! God BLESSED me with Whitney!!
Ashlita!! AMAZING COUSIN!! i love you
Donny!! one of the GREATEST guy friends in the world!!
The Best Friend..'s boyfriend!! =] FUNNY!! soo much fun to hang with!! Brandon!!
TAY-TAY, MY LITTLE BROTHER FOR LIFE!! we been thru it all!! go ahead n check his page out-- mah boy got talent!!
all of & she will be your best friend, if you only let her Friends
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i think 2pac and lyfe jennings are blessed with amazing talent...
the notebook, atl, pearl harbor, patch adams
i ♥ house, friends, and will & grace
any by max lucado,nicholas sparks,
weldon lemarc
aunt candy
The greatest weakness of most humans
Is their hesitancy to tell others, How much they love them
While they're alive.
I Miss You:
Coach Babs
Abuelita Tina
I ♥ you.