The name's Rachel, Ray if you're lucky, and Elain/Fiawen/Lenina if you play World of Warcraft :) I graduated from Massaponax on 06-06-08 and I'm currently a SECOND-YEAR at UVA majoring in Russian and East European Studies. The Basics: I'm a swimmer; I listen to better music than you; I hate lima beans, windows, Ms. Jones, and texts that only say "ok"; I have this strange obsession with Finland; I'm always hungry; I'm beast at "That's what she said"; I never know the right thing to say; I over think everything; I'm the most uncoordinated person you will ever meet, but at least I can fall with grace; I LOVE hockey, baseball, football, and swimming; if sleeping was a sport, I'd be in the Hall of Fame; I think that I'm funny; I play WoW; I have cold hands; and I rock at interrupting awkward silences. P.S. Lauren Hill is the most amazing person I know and I love her to death!!!!
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