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About Me

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Hi! My Name Is
Matthew Ryan Mangan
Birthday's On The 13/11/1991
I used to attend
Sutton High Sports College
and will go back there for sixth form.
I am usually found with friends, family or in the
Lake District!
if not then i am probably at home bored. Thats my life at the moment, does anyone want to make an IMPACT?! I Love Rock Climbing! At the moment, I dont mind taking pictures of the things in life i find inspirational or mean something to me. I try to see the simple side of things and want to take each step as it comes.
I play Bass Guitar but not doing anything constructive with it at the moment. Interested?
There are times when i can be quiet i admit but most of the time im very happy 24/7.
If some times i dont put smiley faces ( :), :D ;] =] XD ) its not because im in a bad mood.
People shouldnt be afraid to talk to me , if you wanna tell me something
Serious or Random
i don't really care! :)
I Wish
That I could find someone who is right for me.
That I find more amazing friends.
That I can become a better, stronger person in time.
That I Never stop living.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like To Meet:
Roger Manganelli

Seth Macfarlane

Shigeru Miyamoto

Hilary Goldstein

Mark Hoppus

John Feldmann

Matt Wong

These People Inspire Me.

I like all kinds of music , from pop punk to thrash metal although i dont let music take over my life like ive seen it done before. If someone sends me a song ile listen to it and see if i like it, if i dont then dont take it offensive.
Favorite Bands
Less Than Jake
In Flames
Iron Maiden
Dropkick Murphys
Strapping Young Lad
Amon Amarth

This Is In No Perticular Order.

Martyn has been there helping me out for a good 3 or 4 years now, he helps me too much but too much is good, we always have a laugh with eachother, in english maybe too much but ahh well, we end up coming out with some wierd jestures or stupid comments which we both find funny and hes been there to help me when ive been down. Cheers bud

Sean again ive known the same time as martyn likes to do things differently in his own way. me and sean end up talking about music or zelda or anything nintendo related which is cool =] and we all get on really with eachother. Again Cheers Bud.

Good god this girl is legend!. She is constantly making me laugh,even when im pissed off , she's just pure mint. We have too many things to talk about ;].And too many things people have no idea about [Did you just shake your tea sweetners at me?] :'). Nerding out we do alot ;]

Andy is the annihilation force in drama and media, the one who is always up for a musical argument and is always up for a good good natter about music, random shit, or media coursework ;] me andy n baby own in media =]..... and how legend was jurassic park like?! =] andy is also the joker along with baby in drama and kicks total ass =]

Lol what a legend =] beat me a few times on pro evolution 6 like but i beat him too!! :D and also we can have a quality talk about liverpool alot, he took me the "derby demolition" which was the best ever! :D . known pete for about 4 or 5 years now, and he's still the lad i remember when i was in year 6. =]

The Cousin
Dan(Or Nuttall) Has always looked out for me if i was in shit or just in general, the classic childish cousin fights occured but he still looked out for me like he does today. He does quite a brilliant job at being a cousin, taking me camping lending me cd's, just little things what make my life abit better than it should be, which makes all the difference.

The Abserloute Legend. He may appear "emo" or "scene" but frankly he is what he wants to be and is still more of a better person that anyone could compare to. And this guy was a founder discovery of "Yalright There Bird!" The classic saying i reckon. The geography lessons in year 9 were the best :)

Jason Rigby
Sound guy this one :). The cool kid from around the block =], always had a right laugh with this one. Always remember the legendary days of like 4 or 5 years ago :). Always showing me "hidden material" in games. Legendary.

From Wazza. she's always been a laugh everytime ive been with her, and is the bomb at taking photo's =], she too is rather legendary, one of those rare people you can come across by not really realising how much of a good friend she is :)

Danny Robinson. The abserloute left testicle. Myne and danny's math's classes are gettin better now :) ive been in the same math's classes with danny since year 8 with mrs.preggo for two years! yes apparently teachers stay pregnant for two years :P we drove her round the wall but it was funny. and the classic quote from year ten " Sit down the bell hasnt went". GOOD TIMES :D

Sophi Jones
God dammit its been to long. she is the silly one were you saying something so ovious and then the next day she'll go "OHHH I GET IT!" and then start hilariously laughing, yes you all know what she's like, she's still a hero though :) helped talk me through things when i needed help, general talking to her is brill, she is so easy to get along with :).

Elys Jones
Bit of a goff tbh :) naa she's leg-end, always there to help me with pretty random shit :D :S but also her laugh is propper heart warming, theres something about it that makes me laugh with her when she laughs. Her hair is the best, well better than myne and twenty million times as curlier :) thanks for being there cocker :D

Lucy Hurst
propper geek.(LOL:') ) lucy's propper buzzin. she is abit random but never the less a funny random where it'll be stuck in your head for days and you'll laugh when you hear it over in your head. she's helped us out like, even if i havent known her that long, well about a year or two ish? she is a propper laugh :) And a ledge :D
Anyone else wanna be added? :)

My Blog

I Sing This Song, And Nobody Sings Along.

1. Whats your Name?2. Are we close?3. What do you think of me?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me. If so when?6. Do you see me and you together in the future?7. Describe me in 3 words?8....
Posted by Mangan on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:19:00 PST

Fuck Yeah!! XD

Soo fucking pleased.... Wii coming out on the 8th of december, looks like itll be the only new gen console coming out in time for christmas...£180. sure graphics might look good but think of who makes...
Posted by Mangan on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 04:24:00 PST

please fill it out for me =)

BASICS: Name: Age: Location: Height:  Hair: Eyes: Piercings/tattoos:OTHER: 1. Where would we go on dates? 2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists? 3. Do you drink/smoke??  4. Do you ...
Posted by Mangan on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 09:47:00 PST