M.C. Chili Meat presents his first single from his debut album, "My Vagina"M.C. Chili Meat is the product of several cosmic forces coming together at the same time, in the hills of West Virginia. The first of these forces to
"come together" wuz my mom and her brother, who I call 'Uncle Daddy'. We kinda look a lot alike. Ma says I'm like a cross between Brad Pitt and Clint Eastwood..... I think I can see that, how bout you? (That's my twin brother in the photo, by the way... we were siamese twins until a 4th of July fireworks accident, and now he fills in as my stunt double and sometimes does my celebrity appearences for me when I'm too drunk to show up, PLUS sometimes we can do shows in two towns at the same time!) The second thing was my family's obscessoin with making the finest home brew in America. It's made with a secret recipie, so I can't tell you whut's in it, but I can say it includes a lot of things you can buy at the local CO-OP and the Sherwin Williams paint store! My family is very musical, and we have always been active in our Church band, especially on the 3rd Sunday of the month, which we call "Snake Sunday". It's usually B.Y.O.S. (bring your own snake), but we keep a few extra in the back if you don't have one of yur own. We sing a lot of Elvis songs in our church, so that's where my love of music and my gifts and talents first showed theirselves. The Lord tolked to me and said that I should write what's in my heart and sing it out to the world, so that's what I'm doing. I write whut I know about, and I'll be recording my tunes and putting new ones up here every few weeks, including my future hit "I totally shit when I fart" (inspired by Bonnie Tyler) and a tribute to Garth Brooks too! Stay tuned! If you want an autograph, you can send $25 (or a couple cans of paint thinner) to:M.C. Chili Meat c/o
"The Holiness Church of the chosen one, full gospel, pentacostal, family luvin, tattoo parlour, body shop, bait 'n tackle, gun and knife escort emporium"
Off the frontage road 69
Bumfuck, W.V. 0U812Thanks for your support!
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