Life Underground Tour Postponed
It is with regret that we must announce that the Life Underground Tour contest is postponed.
When hard times hit, it doesn't play favorites. The economic downturn ripple effect has reached our sponsors' doors and in turn Best of Bands. After a lot of brainstorming and number crunching, we have decided the preferred course of action is to postpone the Life Underground Tour contest until the economy improves and we can go forward full-force.
Like you, we are tightening our belts while we ride out these shaky economic times. However, our wholehearted committment to our bands remains unchanged. Because of that, we have decided to wait until we can conduct the contest unhampered by these unforseen budget constraints in order for the contest winners to achieve the maximum benefit.
We thank you for your patience and support. We will continue to work towards our goal of making the Life Underground Tour contest a significant turning point in the career of the winning bands.
We will keep you posted as to our progress in obtaining sponsorships for this event.