I Said a prayer for yall today man and know God must have heard;
I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke not a word..
I didnt ask for wealth or fame (I knew you wouldnt mind), I asked for
priceless tresures rare of a more lasting kind.
I prayed that he'dbe near to yall at the start of each new day,
to grant yall health and blessings fair, and friends to share your way,
I asked for happiness for yall in all things great and small,
but that ou'd know His Lovingcare I Prayed the most of all..
Jeremy my SON love u!
ROse My GF LOVE u!
and to all my true frineds thanks for your supports!!
IM BACK for good!!Shhhhh!!!!!!!!! dont but down da single cam my bit ur ass!!!
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