Matti Perkalasaari Super Gruppa profile picture

Matti Perkalasaari Super Gruppa

About Me

Matti Perkalasaari, 21 years old, living out in the countryside in the crazy province of northern ostrobothnia, where there is only night. He is playing together with his 7 robot-friends Pekka, Kirsti, Aino, Satu, Teemu, Mait and Jenny in an electronic super ryhmä called "The Matti Perkalasaari Super Gruppa". They play all kinds of instruments like the autoclave, the super-brattonica, somtimes Jenny even brings her dog along! Alltogether they enjoy living the country-life, the go fishing, haveing weekends in the lake-house going to the sauna or just driving around in their old Saabs! By the way: Saab rocks!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/07/2008
Band Members: Matti Perkalasaari together with his 7 robot-friends Pekka, Kirsti, Aino, Satu, Teemu, Mait and Jenny.
Influences: Kaija Saariaho, Metu Olkkonen, Pekka Niemi, Mika Oksanen, Satu Mustasaari, Ainu Mahlapuu, and many many more!
Record Label: -

My Blog

Matti Perkalasaari live at Schlachthof Basel / CH

Upcoming Live-Act in Basel/Switzerland on December 12 at SchlachthofExpect Suomi Sauna Disco Tunes that will get you hot hot hot, also some Balearic to the music and push the button!
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 09:50:00 GMT