Vanishing Heat profile picture

Vanishing Heat

About Me

VANISHING HEAT is an industrial side-project started by Psyche singer Darrin Huss, and Rational Youth keyboarder Kevin Komoda, while Darrin was living in Montreal. The name came from an art film that Darrin saw in Edmonton at a Fringe Festival. He hoped to capture the mood and affect of the disjointed resonance later in his own music.
Inspired in part by Skinny Puppy, Chris & Cosey, and their own weird visions. "Brood" and "Kain" as they called themselves, put together a rather astonishingly catchy collection of crazy experimentation.
The first album "Hallucination" came out on Germany's DOSSIER records around the same time as Psyche released "The Influence" at the end of 1989.
Highlights include "Syringe", "Night Stalker", and "Choose Your Weapon".
VANISHING HEAT performed a few times with various members, and then disappeared until a friend from the UK who was running Psyche's fanclub and a magazine called Music From The Empty Quarter convinced Darrin to try an make a follow up album.
This became "The Itch" which was much harsher in style as Ministry and Revolting Cocks were just crossing over, Darrin recorded with Richard Blohm (who produced Psyche's debut "Insomnia Theatre"). The Itch was released in 1994 on M.F.T.E.Q. and was considered almost too harsh and minimal at the time. Highlights are the relentless "Electrode", "Cathode Junkie", and the super creepy "The Cabinet".
VANISHING HEAT released a best of collection called "Undertow" available worldwide on iTunes, Emusic, Napster, etc. Also "The Itch" with bonus remixes of "Night Stalker" and "Choose Your Weapon" is now available universally as digital download.
Discover the future before it's time!
Maybe someday it will return.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/07/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Brood, Kain, R.Blohm, and sounds of the netherworld
Influences: MUSIC: Chrome, Diamanda Galas, Skinny Puppy, Chris & Cosey, Operating Theatre, Revolting Cocks.

AUTHORS: Ramsey Campbell, Edward Bryant, William Gibson
Sounds Like: music from the netherworld, the future before it's time.
Record Label: Dossier/MFTEQ
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Vanishing Heat - iTunes Worldwide

Vanishing Heat has two full length releases on iTunes internationally. Get freaky with us. Buy yourself "The Itch" or "Undertow". You can choose your weapon and show us some love at the same time. ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 16:36:00 GMT