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About Me

"How a 21 Year College Drop-Out From Alaska Goes from Making $21,236 a Year at 2 Slave Driving Jobs to Making $24,273 in One Month Creating Stupid Easy Videos on Youtube...WTF?"
What's the Secret? Find Out Below...
Ok so I'm sure you have a really bad case of INTERNET A.D.D... and found me on Youtube or some random web 2.0 site and decided to look me up to see what the hell I'm about, Right?
Are you Cracked Out the Internets? I am!
Who is this Steve Schuit Guy?

Well have you ever met anyone that's from Anchorage, Alaska and Pahoa, Hawaii ? Well that would be me! Talk about apples and oranges! I'm glad I had the pleasure of living in both, because I have learned a lot! Keep them as a Vacation spots and not as homes cuz you'll go crazy living in both places!

I was originally born in a Alaska and grew up in Hawaii most of my life. I've always had this itch to perform and create stuff which is why I'm a Drummer! I love making beats and creating music on my MPC 2500 & my Micro Korg Keyboard. Oh and Don't forget hookin up some Talkbox action to that bad boy!
I've recently put together the greatest dance rock band ever know to man kind called Ninja Funk with my friend George (He's a DJ). Guess what his real first name is?

We play dance music for clubs and are working on an Album to rule the dance world! Coming to a Club Near You.

Why Drop Out of College?

As you can probably can tell I'm really passionate about music and majored in college for drums and computer science, but I dropped out cuz it SUCKED!! College is a waste of time in my opinion if you want to become an entrapreneur. But if your passionate about becoming a doctor or a lawyer then PLEASE GO TO COLLEGE!
I own a few internet businesses that have allowed me to travel around the world and design the life that I love to live.
If you want to get the behind the scenes of My Ninja Life Style and Learn some FREE Golden Nuggets, then follow me on Twitter:

I've been addicted to Twitter lately! If you don't have an account go sign up for a FREE one! It's fun if you have an iPhone cuz then you can post pictures and twits anywhere from your phone!
By now your probably wondering what I do for a living. Good Question!
I teach online marketing and show people how to Generate FREE Quality Leads and Traffic to their Websites Using Web 2.0. It's a lot of fun! I just created a new product not to long ago that involves Ninjas hehe. Your like "what"? I'll probably show you some of my secret strategies that I use to get top rankings on google and ton of FREE Leads and traffic to your website, but I think I'll just keep it to myself for now, we'll see...

The thing is I've had alot of success in the past year and have been able to do amazing things like hang out at Playboy Parties with Top Gurus online like Eben Pagan, The Rich Jerk, Mystery, Mike Filsaime, Mike Dillard, Frank Kern, Etc., travel around the world expanding my mind to different cultures, hanging out with friends and family and playing awesome dance music!
I was also able to get on The Very First Internet Reality Show Hosted by Joel Comm Called:
It was a great experience to work with the Brady Bunch of Gurus and learn their strategies for marketing online.
Mark Joyner
Marketing Legend
& Best-selling Author
Joel Comm
Internet Revenue Expert
Armand Morin
Motivational & Seminar Expert
Mike Filsaime
Viral Marketing Expert
Jeff Walker
Product Launch Expert
Ray Edwards
Copywriting Expert
Marlon Sanders
Product Creation & Sales Expert
Dave Taylor
Blogging & Web 2.0 Expert
Mike Koenigs
Online Video Expert
Perry Marshall
PPC & Guerilla Marketing Expert
Brad Fallon
SEO & E-commerce Expert
Rich Schefren
Business Building Expert
But it wasn't always like this and to tell you the truth I'm nothing special. I actually started out living in a Barn in Alaska before all of this started happening!
That's right I lived in a BARN!

It wasn't that bad, because I turned it into a recording studio / The Computer Battle Station. I had a band called Conversing with Zookeepers and Companda and myspace had come out at the time and it was the best thing ever if you were in a band! So I got into adding thousands of friends using special software and thinking up marketing schemes to promote my bands.I started seeing a huge potential in not only marketing your band, but marketing products and that's when I came accross my very first mlm company! Hooray!
And guess what?

I became a millionaire over night! NOT! It was one of those cheap-O MLMs that cost $10/mo and promise that you are gonna be a millionaire in no time. What a Joke! So that MLM lead to more expensive ones and that one would lead to
    Gifting Programs- FAILED -$1,500 MLM - MAJOR FAIL! -$4,000 Direct Sales - DIASTER FAIL -$8,000 haha!
    Online Gambling Systems - FAILED -$800 Creating my Own Product - FAILED -$400
    Junk Adsense Sites - FAILED -$250
    Stuffing Envelopes - FAILED -$100
    Doing Surveys Online - FAILED -$300
    Cashing Money Orders for the Prince of Nigera - FAILED Almost Jail! Ad Surf Programs - FAILED -$1,500 Countless e-Books - FAILED -$2,000 and the list goes on and on until I decided to get into higher ticketed products.
I dropped a lot of money and time into being an Internet Junkie. But I finally started seeing some results...
I started selling travel packages for over $1,300-$10k a piece and pretty much dropped a butt load of money into buying leads and calling them and "putting them through the system".
Now these leads weren't your walmart leads, these were "PREMIUM LEADS" generated by Cutting Edge Media (Lead Company). ooowww...
I was paying $5- $10 a lead for the "best leads" online and ended up spending thousands of dollars a month and countless hours a day calling these bad boys. I was Sick and Tired of Spending an Arm and a Leg on Crappy Leads!

To tell you the truth I wasn't a good salesman. I just wanted to help people and make good money doing it so...


You're probably wondering how could a 21 year old kid afford thousands of dollar worth of leads per month huh?

Well at the time I was working at a fancy restaruant called the "Glacier Brew House" and at "Fedex". This is what my day looked like:

I wake up it's 8pm I check my e-mail real quick to see if I have any leads that want to buy a travel package. Of course they were all tire kickers or they didn't have money to buy anything. Then I spend about 30 mins surfing the web and start calling leads.

I rush down the little hole where the ladder is and a wind of cold air hits me in the face. I scurry through the cars in the garage barn and run through the snow still putting on my Fedex gear. I grab a banana and run to the car to scrap the 6 inches of snow piled on my red beater. I hop in and throw my Brew House Gear in the back seat and take off to Box Slave Land.

As I'm driving I'm putting on my boots very carefully while sliding everywhere down the icy roads. I arrive and sprint to the giant Fedex building.

I'm always the last one and usually have to dive to the time stamper to make it! Keep in mind Fedex people are time NAZIS! And I'm use to Hawaii time which means stroll in a 30 minutes late haha!

So I work from 11am-5pm lifting boxes over 50 lbs. I call leads during my 1 hr break and beg my manager to leave early so I can make it to my second job at 6pm.
So off I race to the Glacier Brew House. I spend 10 mins finding a parking spot (cuz I'm to cheap to pay $5 for parking) put a $1 in and hope I don't get a ticket.

I sprint to the Brew House changing clothes in the process and start bussing tables and lifting heavy dishes from 6pm-12pm. I call more leads during my 1hr break and get frustrated cuz know one is buying!

I come home absolutely exhausted and repeat this day 6 days a week for 8 months.


I felt like one of those stupid hampsters on a spinning wheel thinking I'm going somewhere but later realize that I'm trapped in a glass box for life!

I had to make a radical change FAST

So I scrounged up what money I had and bought a one way ticket to go live with my sponsors in...

Woohoo! Every newbies dream right? I thought if I'm not making 5 figures a month like my sponsors are in Alaska, I might as well learn it through Osmosis!

So I left the Fridged Alaska and made my way to Worchester, MA (Pronounced "Woosta" I know wiered huh?) to chase my dreams of becoming a multi-millionaire online. And come to find out I started making sales, but I was spending a lot of money and time doing so.

Now I love my sponsors to death, but the truth of the matter was they were teaching me "OLD SCHOOL" methods.


Spend $500-$2,000 a month on leads and smile and dial! Don't forget to use that awesome script!

Read and listen to tons of personal development on "how to close leads".

The system does 99% of the work for you...YEAH RIGHT! This is the typical system:

1. Call your leads and use Roboto Script

2. Have them watch Hyped Up Video promising them the world.

3. Get them on Hyped Up Conference calls/ Webinar

4. 3 way with your sponsor to tag team your broke prospect and SALE THE HELL OUT of em using magical closing techniques.

5. Repeat this Caveman Method

Now there is nothing wrong with this OLD SCHOOL Methods, it just takes a lot of hard work and time to make a lot of money

I am way to lazy to be calling leads all day!

This is where I started messing around with myspace and youtube. After a couple of weeks I came across a video by this dude named DK who was doing something simliar to what I was doing, but on a whole new level!

So I called him up and started masterminding with him and we started working together to teach people how to generate FREE leads and traffic using Web 2.0. Within my first month of using these new techniques

I Was Able to Make $15,976

Now being 21 and making $15k in one month freaked me out! I was use to making $1,800 at the most in one month and I thought I was a ballin. So I started making 5 figures a month consistently for the next three months and moved to Califorina to partner up with DK and Jimmy Davis.

And it's been a ton of fun ever since!

I don't have super powers like you think all these Gurus might have and to let you in on a little secret, neither do the GURUS!

The only difference between them and a person who is not successful is they took consistent action toward their Goals, surrounded themselves with people that are killing it in their niche. And do you want to know the real Secret behind it all? Are you ready... I don't think you are. I'll tell you later...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Get Your Head Out of Your Ass! If you're dickin' around using lame ass "OLD SCHOOL" methods to promote your business then it's time to Pull Your Head Out of Your ASS and do something about it!
If you Want to Learn How to Generate FREE Leads and Traffic to Your Website Using Youtube Visit: I am also looking for 20 People to Coach and Mentor in my Program
Before you do that I want to warn you... I don't talk to everyone! These are the people I don't want to talk to:

    Complainers Negative People Time Wasters Get Rich Quick People Skeptics! People Looking for a FREE Ride
So if you have any of these qualities STOP DEAD in your TRACKS! I have a special gift for you: Click Here I want to talk to People that are:
    Ready to Build a Real Business Online Not scared to take risks Confident Action / Solution Oriented Not afraid to FAIL! Open for Coaching Fun
Now If You Want Learn How to Generate FREE Leads Using Web 2.0 then Click APPLY NOW: APPLY NOW

My Blog

Is (MLM) Multi Level Marketing a Scam- The Truth Revealed... PART 1

Is (MLM)Multi Level Marketing a Scam?This is probably one of the biggest controversial industries online and that's the mlm business. I have talked to hundreds of people and have seen a pat...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:04:00 GMT

Day 34- Dennis Karganilla Gets Served by a White Boy Break Dancer (MLM Goldmine 90 Day Challen

www.tubeninja.comIt's day 34 of the 90 day challenge and I decided to go and hang out with Dennis Karganilla (aka DK)from MLM Goldmine and some other cool peeps like Stevie Knight (My house ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 21:52:00 GMT

Day 30- Kobe Bryant VS. Man Eating Lion... Who Will Win?

So It's DAY 30 of the 90 day challenge and I've had a little mini vacation with my family. Here are some of the highlights:1) Went to Lakers Practice2) Drove my 745 li BMW!3) Played with ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:29:00 GMT

Day 17- "The Slap Check Method"

That's right Ninja, Your avoiding something that is worst than death... What is it?YOUR LIFE!Say it ain't so? Don't worry you're not the only one thatis doing it. Billions of peo...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:28:00 GMT

Day 16- Where the Hell Did Steve Schuitt Go? (Highlights)

To Watch the Next 90 Day Challenge Video Click the Link Below: I've been MIA a bit the past 12 days due to a few projects I've been working on, but ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:17:00 GMT

Man... 90 Day Challenges Suck!

They do if your not up to big things... Don't be a lazy NinjaOk if you hate reading long ass e-mails like methen just watch the video!Day 1- (M.L.M. Goldmine) 90 Day Challenge- Will it Work? ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 08:07:00 GMT

Episode 3: How to Track Twitter Links

I've been looking for something like this for awhile and it's finally here.  It's called twittertise.  So what it does is track your links in your tweet posts.  If you don't k...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 18:24:00 GMT

Episode 2: How to Get Higher Rankings on Google and Youtube

Not everyone is ballin with a list of 10,000 subscribers on  their e-mail, myspace, youtube, squidoo, or twitter account like some of these big guns.  And this is why my biz partner and I ha...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 18:17:00 GMT

Episode 1: How to Use Annotations on Youtube

If you are not fimiliar with annotations then you should definitely start using them because it's a great tool to use to keep your viewers interest.  Plus it's interactive for them too!...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 18:05:00 GMT