Did you know that $1 will provide clean drinking water for an African person for an entire year? And that Americans spend $20 Billion on Ice Cream and $15 Billion on bottled water each year?
   We're starting The Luxury Fund in hopes of using some of our "luxury money" to help change the lives of those around the world who suffer from great poverty, disease, and injustice.
   As Americans, we are very privileged. We have access to doctors, food, clean drinking water and systems that protect us from all sorts of injustice. The majority of the people on the planet are not so privileged. We also have small everyday luxuries that we take for granted, like good coffee, bottled water, energy drinks, soft drinks, ice cream, candy bars, movies ... (obviously this list could go on and on.) We as Americans spend hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars each year on these luxuries while many people in this world suffer without access to clean water, a decent food supply, or protection from injustice. Although we would all agree there is nothing innately wrong with a premium cup of coffee or a sweet treat every now and then, we want to encourage people to be aware of how much they spend on a daily basis on these things and how that same money could impact our neighbors in other parts of the world.
This is how it works. Today, you could decide to skip your cup of coffee at the local (or global) coffee shop and instead of running your check card for $3 at the coffee shop, you can run it right here and add $3 to the luxury fund. It's an easy way to make a small sacrifice with a huge impact around the world that can literally save lives. This is not a monthly or annual commitment, it's a day by day choice, and if you decide to forgo a luxury, you can come here immediately and add your money to the fund.
100% of the money give to the Luxury Fund will be divided equally between the four organizations listed below. If you'd like to know more about these organizations, click on the link to visit their website.
Thank you for being a part of this!!
Luxury Fund Blogspot
Luxury Fund on Facebook
Organizations We Support:
Blood Water Mission
Compassion International
International Justice Mission
Love 146