Man Interrupted profile picture

Man Interrupted

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is where most people go into how in tune with life and nature they are, or how they admire certain qualities in others...which of course is encouraging for people to remark the same of them. This is also where we expose to the world what we want them to think we are, or what we hope is plausible enough to be believed. So it is here that I will expose a rare thing both in real live and on MySpace...honesty.It is up to me to explain to the world what happens to those children when they grow up, you know the ones that were overlooked by after school specials, the ones that society doesn't have a special program for, the ones that are simply forgotten. That's right, I am talking about the 'Normal' childhood kids. I was raised in a quaint town called Simi Valley California during the 70's and for me it held all the 'Wonder Years' the way it was intended. Sure, my parents made loads of mistakes, and it wasn't all apple pie and ice cream...but it was real life. Plans and dreams sometimes don't come true when life gets in the way.I have traveled the world, worked in many many industries from the U.S. Army to Healthcare to Computer Science to literary author. I have no false belief that I am better or more intelligent than my fellow man, I also have no conviction that because someone did live an after school special life that my own experiences are lessened by theirs. We each have a path, and a plan, whether we drive or allow cruise control to take us. I do know, that my path with it's many divergent have led me here, happy, healthy and with encouragement to continue on as long as the world will have me.Write me if you dare, see the monkey in the cage and ask the poignant questions: 'so when your mom made meatloaf, did she use ketchup or catsup to cover the meat before cooking'... ohh, the mysteries or the normal ;)

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I have met many people; famous, infamous, politically connected or shunned by society due to their anti-government rhetoric, those in power and those out, those at the beginning and them at the end...but to all they are simply a handshake and hello. I choose not to meet anyone, I choose to know people. The core or people, not the edifice or facade, but to actually know one human being as recognized by another. Classless, hopeless, helpless where awe inspired refers to the beauty of nature or awe struck as recognized in self actualization. We begin, we exist and then we end. We hope it cycles around more then once, and our own beliefs I am certain will dictate if that is true or not. I would however step aside and accept my human nature by saying that if I could travel in time, I would like to have touched the hand of God in it will be a time before I do so in real life.

My Blog

On Ebay and my Serialized Novel

So I was wondering, how could I increase visits to myitems on Ebay, then I had a revelation... include serialized chaptersto my current novel in the body of the item.  Go to Ebay and search formy part...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 11:49:00 GMT

Read my other blog sites

I write but I don't blog here.. this is my myspace site for my family.  My regular myspace site is Sequoia (top friends) and my writer myspace site is Scott Sequoia (top Friends).  Check out...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:37:00 GMT

Without much consideration

I don't think too much these days about the things people do to one another... I am disturbed by the course of human events.I don't like to be bothered by the state of the nation... I am concerned abo...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 05:35:00 GMT

Who gets my vote

You are probably thinking I am playing both party lines... well, I sorta am.  I am a registered Green Party for no other purpose than to make it known to the two "Real" parties that some of us ar...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:59:00 GMT