I have met many people; famous, infamous, politically connected or shunned by society due to their anti-government rhetoric, those in power and those out, those at the beginning and them at the end...but to all they are simply a handshake and hello. I choose not to meet anyone, I choose to know people. The core or people, not the edifice or facade, but to actually know one human being as recognized by another. Classless, hopeless, helpless where awe inspired refers to the beauty of nature or awe struck as recognized in self actualization. We begin, we exist and then we end. We hope it cycles around more then once, and our own beliefs I am certain will dictate if that is true or not. I would however step aside and accept my human nature by saying that if I could travel in time, I would like to have touched the hand of God in Man...as it will be a time before I do so in real life.