I enjoy art, dance, war reenactments.. everything under the sun.. really...
I am a fan of anyone who acts like themselves. I have a very diverse group of friends; all with different interests and hobbies. I respect people and what they value, and I expect the same in return. I love people with a good sense of humor. I love people that want to do things and want to have a good time with close friends. And most of all, they must be willing to put up with me....lol.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Mostly everything... jazz... swing... classic rock... not country... just some examples...
Casablanca... Good Night and Good Luck... Bruce Almighty... Band of Brothers.... Gladiator... Tears of the Sun... The Transporter... Ocean's Eleven... Italian Job... Boondock Saints...
The Family Guy.. Simpsons.. JAG... CSI... Cops... America's Funniest Videos... American Chopper...
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, books dealing with military history and strategy, books about art, I love a good sci-fi once in awhile, thrillers
Michaelangelo... the stuff he did was amazing... not to mention the other turtles...