Martial arts training, visual arts, playing music, planning my global domination...
einstein, jimi hendrix, Slavoj Zizek (if you dont know who that is, youtube him and yoiu'll want to meet him too!)
my musical tastes are pretty wide. I like pretty much all electronica, rock, metal, chillout, acoustic, folk, gangsta rap, classical, jazz, blues you name it i'll listen to it.
ace ventura, kung pow, back to the future, matrix, requiem for a dream
lost, scrubs, heroes, BOSTON LEGAL (denny crane, whos your daddy?)
da vinci code (along with every1 else on the planet) lord of the rings, theories of the universe (for some light reading), the game, the art of war, any thing by Robert Greene, art of seduction, 48 laws of power etc... anything i get my eyes on really ends up being a favourite.
spiderman, ninja turtles etc