Emma has also worked in the fashion industry, working as a very successful Model, which enabled her to travel the world at a very young age and pick up influences and inspirations along the way. Emma's father was in successful band in the 60's called (THE SMALL FACES) and appeared as an actor in TV, films and theatre, some of which were revolutionary, such as the play Hair at the Shaftsbury Theatre London in the 60’s. Since graduating Emma has acted in a few movies and has been busy writing songs for her Album. Emma collaborates with her father in writing and say’s he is an amazing writer and inspiration to her. Emma is gigging at the famous Ruskin Arms pub along side the Small Fakers in the east end of London where The Small Faces first rehearsed and where it all began! Her ventures include performing on two new MOD-AID tracks that were released for the Tsunami appeal, along side her father JIMMY WINSTON(Small Faces), RONNIE WOOD, STEVE CRADDOCK, P.P.ARNOLD, CHRIS FARLOWE, TROG REG PRESLEY and MARK JOSEPH. emma sang along side with her father, with a 700 audience at a Small Faces convention. In 2004 Emma sang live at S'estanyol Beach in Ibiza for the CIRQUE DU SOLEIL private party. Since falling deeply in love with the music and the mysterious and enchanting energy of the island, Emma became inspired to write the song 'Ibiza Sunrise'. The island is said to be ruled by the female Goddess Tanit who is said to empower women and indeed she does! Emma's first live performance was at the age of six singing in the chorus at Olympia for the festival of Spirit, mind and Body. Singing a track commissioned and written by her father 'Children Of The Sky'. Emma recently performed live and unplugged for the award winning Balony TV. (ARTWORK) Emma is a surreal artist using various medias, with images of the female form and known for her scenes of nude figures and devilish characters. She is currently working on a new cheeky story of nudes and play on words. She is also a skilled jeweller. Emma use to sell her work in the art gallery (Stephanie Hoppen). Her art is very much a mirror image of herself and her lyrics! As an up and coming multi faceted artist Emma's aim in expressing her art is to capture feelings, visions, move emotions and open up the mind and awareness. Share her experiences, observations, truths, pains and show a bigger picture of her and the world around us. Like most artists Emma is most clearly seen and understood through her work. Her work truly is the bigger picture! The journey continues!www.balconytv.co.uk(Biog- Stephanie Hoppen Gallery) I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net
Emma on guitar just hanging out!