Stuff.Friends... um, more stuff?
You know... people. I'm not really into aliens... or fish.Okay, aliens and fish are cool. But they tend to be dificult to communicate with. I'm here for typed conversation. Hey, if an alien or fish can type, then have at it.
24/7... except school... and sleep... and well, some other times. I'll listen to anything you throw at me. Well, almost anything. Bananas are kind of hard to listen to. Though, some of you out there will disagree.
Why not?They're one of the best ways to waist your life away.And it's sooo much fun!
My TV "sucks". No, really, I get stuck to it all the time. It's kind of like "Don't look at the light!" "I can't help it, it's sooo beautiful!" "A Bugs Life" is good for something.Truely, I DO do other things. Really, I do!
Well, if my vision doesn't go blury, I can read for days. It's got to be good though. Fantasy is pretty nifty. (laugh)
No clue. Can I have some of yours?