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Human Terminal

About Me

Alexey Rodin (born on 16 August 1986) better know as Hydrocore Wise, Adaptcore and Human Terminal, is electronic / experimental music artist at undeground scene. Released exclusively in Internet by yourself or by indie net-labels has started to work with music from project Hydrocore Wise.
Hydrocore Wise
Project has been founded in 2004 more likely "for fun". It not was official project, but as first step in music was enough. Without official page Alexey released some tracks separately on, which are still exist there. Most works began from ambient, idm and downtempo directions. After two years ambient and noise became the main field for further experiments in project named Adaptcore.
Created on 2006 with first album "Sunset After Wind" by support of Darkwinter net-label. Month later album deserves popularity among internet audience. Coming two reviews by Edward Anderwohin and Sothzine. For last three months over 1000 downloads on Darkwinter decide to release next album "Idle Process" on Benekkea net-label. As well as first album popularity to "Idle Process" became quickly with a few reviews. Stats on 2008 from Benekkea is over 8,000 downloads and first place on "Most Downloaded Items" ( After all Adaptcore stops the activity for some time and rebirth after one year with the last official album "Child's Play" on Darkwinter net-label, including video "The Sun Through Clouds". Last step over two directions ambient and noise which Alexey has devoted less than two years was exit from project which has been closed in 2007. At this time Alexey had not the best moments, feeling fault for listeners together with depression which occurred every day stopping work with his music definitively. But, later he hasn't surrendered and decided to work and experiment with all like sound, video and art. Official website updated in 2008 with words: "Adaptcore is No More..." and last track "Subliminal" was time for project Human Terminal.
Human Terminal
Beginning from the first independed release "Heaven Mechanics" with experimental, idm, noise, ambient music, including some artworks posted on official website was the date of birthday - 7 July, 2008. First net-label Amduscias Records from United States with "Release Yourself" has opened ambient, downtempo, 8bit, idm directions. Next Rec72 net-label from Germany support to release fifth album "Press Any Key" (Downtempo, 8bit, IDM, Drill'n'Bass) where track "Earth Breath" was added to Machtdose's Podcast. Released some later first video on unreleased track "Empty" and after all - project is still in progress. Many of albums in such directions, as: Ambient, Noise, Industrial, 8bit, IDM, Drill'n'Bass, Downtempo are always open for free download under Creative Commons License.
Last Album: Human Terminal - Gate-9C
Last Video: Human Terminal - Are You Infected?

My Interests


Member Since: 07/07/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Alexey Rodin
Influences: Merzbow, Aube, Bad Sector, Genocide Organ, Con-Dom, Whitehouse, Sonar, Dat Politics, SPK, Throbbing Gristle, Pigface, Oophoi, Maeror Tri, Biosphere, Archon Satani, Biot, Aes Dana, Tangerine Dream, VNV Nation, Cesium 137, Assemblage 23, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Bogdan Raczynski, Nullsleep, Bubblyfish, Covox, Radiohead, Placebo, Nirvana, Massive Attack
Sounds Like: Ambient, Industrial, Noise, Power Electronics, 8bit / Chiptune, IDM, Drill'n'Bass, Drum'n'Bass, Downtempo, Experimental
Record Label: Emulator Records
Type of Label: Indie

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