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LuNa TeCh SoCiEtY

About Me

in The Ancient Astronauts of Mars ! Given a little extrapolation, it is not beyond the scope of reason to surmise from these findings that it was the very same advanced technological culture that not only built both Cydonia and Avebury (and Stonehenge), but was responsible for many, if not all, of the astounding astronomically aligned archaeological sites all over the world. Perhaps it is neither outside the reasonable stretch of the scientific imagination: even that this Star System was colonized by Human Beings many thousands, perhaps millions of years ago ~ and that with all the natural disasters, Mankind lost its technological "edge" and fell back into many scattered, primitive societies, developing differently, until today when we are able to glimpse our not so distant past. Skeptics abound, and are voiciferous. However, until the "missing link" is found, there is no proof for either theory of Man's origin.Disaster ! A new theory has developed concerning all the amazing yet ancient archaelogical evidence found on Mars and all over the planet Earth. Millions of years ago, while Earth was ruled by the dinosaurs, an advanced civilization of Human beings lived on the 5th planet from the sun, known as Astra (now our asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter). Whether they evolved in this star system or came here from somewhere else is not known, but they had bases on Earth, our moon, and the red planet Mars (and most probably other places within our solar system as well). Then one day, disaster struck. This could have been from some technological misuse that caused the planet to explode, or a more natural catastrophy like the impact of a comet so massive that it could cause the breakup of an entire world. In either case, the explosions sent debris flying in every direction.All Gone in an Instant Some giant rocks hit Mars with such force as to form the largest known craters in the solar system, punching in so deep as to to form the largest known volcanoes in the solar system, exactly on the opposite side of that planet ~ while a terrific hail storm of space debris also caused the facing half of the planet's surface to be pelted by literally billions of meteors and small planetoids (the opposite side of Mars is consistent with later eventual "straggler" debris impacts). In essence, Mars was shot three times with a rifle, and once by a shotgun, at very close range. The two moons of Mars are not spherical like our moon. In fact, they're really just giant potato shaped asteroids captured by the red planet's gravity. Earth too suffered a major disaster, but it was nothing compared to Mars. Perhaps it was on the other side of the sun at the time, and hence only caught a few of the stones, in the wake of the destruction of Astra. Still this meteor storm caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. With Earth the only habitable planet left in the star system, our ancestors made their way here, and founded the civilizations we know of as Mu, Lemuria, and eventually Atlantis, whose people went on to build the "perfect" pyramids, and other sites (now ruins), found all over the world.Marooned on Earth Another theory could be that Mars was once a moon of the fabled Astra, (now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), In either case, Mars once had enough liquid water to sustain life as we know it, whether millions or merely thousands of years ago. And if an asteroid were to hit the Earth (large enough to erradicate most of our atmosphere), very soon the only sign that it had ever been inhabited would be the giant pyramids, such as are in Egypt and a few other places around the world.Maybe the civilization we know of as Atlantis, surviving on Antarctica, was the only one in posession of advanced technology though perhaps without the ability (or will) to fully impliment their magic to all survivors of the great disasters ~ while all the other Earthbound Humans devolved into primitive tribal societies just a few generations later, their legends of the stars and kingdoms of the Gods the only remnant of that once great Human Civilization. Reports in ancient chronicles ~ of the Gods or technologically advanced men from far away, or even the sky (introducing new ways to grow food, build cities, tell stories, heal the sick and govern the people), and leaving as mysteriously as they arrived ~ can only lend support to a theory such as this, which speaks of Humans possessing a technology beyond even ours today, something modern science is not prepared to accept.

My Interests


Member Since: 07/07/2008
Influences: NASA - Jack Parsons - Wernher Von Braun - James Van Allen -Richard Hoagland - Edward Bernays - UFOs - Space - Manly Palmer Hall - Albert Churchward M.D, M.R.C.P., F.G.S., P.M., P.Z., 30° M.D.U. - James Churchward - Free Masons - the Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian symbolism - Cults - the Occult - inner workings of politics, and many other heady subjects, and characters~ Shortwaves - Analog Keyboards, Moog, Arp, Roland, - Found Sounds at thrift stores, around town, and in my head - Noises from beyond ~
Sounds Like: "Lunar Activity From Recent Gas Release," by Peter H. Schultz, Matthew I. Staid and Carlé M. PietersCommented one of the authors,"We believe there has been a rapid release of gasses [at this location on the lunar saurface], blowing off surface deposits and exposing less weathered materials (emphasis added)."The estimated time-frame for this event: "less than 2 million years ...." This, compared to a previously estimated 3 BILLION years since the last prior significant lunar eruptions.What's been revealed, by our own, independent Enterprise analysis -- lying just 3-5 meters below the much more "weathered" surface in this specific ""Lacus Felcitatus" region of the Moon -- is NOT just "newly-exposed, less weathered materials." What the Brown scientists are calling the world's attention to is nothing less than--The most perfectly preserved artificial lunar ruins discovered so far on the Moon!It's just the NASA scientists themselves who can't seem to see and recognize what they've "discovered!"The two Apollo images displayed here, official released as part of the new 2006 Nature lunar study, reveal not only unmistakable geometric and architectural detail throughout this feature ( buildings, walls, sculptured former "gardens," towers, parapets, etc., they also reveal the striking structural material making up this complex--Titanium
Record Label: Unsigned <a target="_blank" href
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

NASA 50th

This Day In History>>1958 NASA Established.............Two Spirit Author: 47296 Category:(History) Created:(7/29/2005 4:08:00 AM)This post has been Viewed (10829 times)The United States Congress pa...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:58:00 GMT

MoOn BaSe

There's a lot we know about the moon. It's roughly one-sixth the size of the Earth; it's about 4.6 billion years old; it's approximately 238,000 miles distant from the Earth; it has no atmosphere and ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 22:11:00 GMT