Ayyo! Val Kamachi aka ルーサ from Canberra, Australia here; Lemme think about it I will add some more information about it later because it's my second attempt at myspace.com acct. sorry about the inconvenience I'll upload something better laterz!!!^^;
OKK,, now that I've thought about it, I'd like to introduce myself as a half Finnish, half Australian Australian citizen living in the dank and happy suburbs of Red Hill in the Australian Capital Territory, in Australia (of course)!,, Ehh, my dream is to one day live in Asia, so I'm kind of hoping that we can have an Asian Union like that what the honourable Kevin Rudd spoke about.
Anywayz, currently I'm working towards a bachelor of arts college degree at Griffith University in QLD, probably hope to achieve that by early 2010. And until then, I'm kinda bound to my hometown here in Red Hill, Canberra. Alright, that's all that could think about for now, will uploadz some more about myself laterz...!