Member Since: 07/07/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
- JUST ME: Kristoffur MørkøreHere are some of the things that i have produced, mixed or been a part off in one way or an other.....CREDITS:..
JENS MARNI "The right way"...
THE CARLSENS "The Carlsens"...
THE DREAMS "Tazy & Den nye by"...
UNI ARGE "Mitt à sjónum"...
JÓL à DAG "Jól à dag"...
HEIÃRIK "An Invisible Gun"...
JÓAN PETUR "Bow and arrow"...
EYÃUN JACOBSEN "Ein undurkelda"...
MARIUS "The sky is our home"...
HEINE LUTZEN "Brotin"...
LORT Ì BYIN "Lort à býin"...
OASUBØRN "Eg øttist ei"...
BRAQUET "Braquet EP"...
FILADELFIA "Nær hjá tær"...
KELDAN "Guds faðirshjartað"...
HERI NOLSØE- Eivør Pállsdóttir-"Jólakyndilin"...
TORKIL MØRKØRE "A matter of time".
- by all the things that the past has brought...
- by all the things that the future may bring...
Sounds Like:
- Kris - stuff ;)
Record Label: Unsigned