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I listen to almost everything from Rap, R&B, Jazz, Alternative, Rock etc. Some of my Favorite bands would be; 311, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Incubus, Rage Against The Machine, T.I., Lil Wayne, B.G., and just about everything from the south.
Im a real big movie person, If you seen it more than likely ive seen it as well. I love all types of movies and would most likely never pass up a chance to see a good movie inless of course there was some type of party which seems to take place quite often in my city.
I dont really watch too much tv, but when I do its normaly on MTV, but for the most part, im always out and about seeing people, partying, chillin, u know. Just dont see spending your time in front of a box when you could be out enjoying your life,.....You only live once, so get out there and make the best of it.
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