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About Me

About Me? What do you want to know? I'm not a difficult person to figure out I guess. I love to make people laugh and I try my best to treat you as I would like you to treat me. Is that always true, hell now, but I try my best to make it so more often than not.
I love baseball, The Amazing Mets are my team...but anyone who has ever talked to me for 5 mins knows that
I am very social and love keeping in touch with people in my life. I can not see you for years and then recoonect with you and it's like we just hung out, I love that.
Anyway, if you have more questions feel free to ask, but truth be told I am not trying to meet more people...I just want to keep in touch with those I know and reconnect with those I lost

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

No one new online I want to meet. Espeically for dating is for LOSERS. And if you date online...guess're a LOSER! How did you meet people before the internet????
Proof the world is in it's final days...

But there is someone I would have loved to have seen alive...not neccesarily met.

Awesome old videos of him...he still looks clean lol
Sorry Marc, being skinny, a dope head and wearing shades is not enough...there is only one Hector

El Cantante de los Cantantes

Not sure who the chick in shorts is...that's like someone's Tia


Tribute to the man...


In no specific order my Top 5 are...Memoirs of a Geisha, Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden (I read it before Oprah), To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Kite Runner (NEW!!! - Thanks Ganjamie).
Other good ones:
Life of Pi, To a God Unknown (I have read every novel Steinbeck has written), Slaughter House 5, House of Spirits (recently bumped from Top 5 by Kite Runner) and million more. Ok, maybe a few hundred...

My Blog

Can't sleep and maybe rambling

So it's 12:57 and I can't happens.  Nothing good on TV to distract me and I read all the sports pages already, doesn't help that my team and our ace pitcher got spanked. So this is onl...
Posted by Carlos on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:10:00 PST

I'M AN UNCLE...again this is fitting as my first blog, not just on myspace but EVER! So my sister, after being like 2 weeks late, finally gave birth!!!!  I envison it going down like a Navy Seal operation.&nb...
Posted by Carlos on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 12:38:00 PST