LyF's A BiTcH, ThEN y00h DiE!
DaT's WHy iM HELLa HAPPy DaT i G0t S0Me0Ne LyK CHaD iN My LyF! i L0vE CHaD T0 DeATh! i G0t HiS BAKK N0 MatteR WaT! CHaD iS LyK My BESteSt FwENd EvER, wE D0Nt HANg 0Ut MuCH, BuT wHeN wE D0 wE HAvE HElLA FuN, 0MG! wE HAvE S0 MANy iNSiDe J0KeS iT'S N0t EvEN FuNNy!..wELL yEA iT iS..L0L. AnyWAyS..//ChAD MAkES Me HAPPy! P0iNt BLAnK, He CaN MAKe Me SMiLE iN ANyWAy, ShAPe 0r F0rM. hE KN0wS H0w t0 MAkE Me FeeL BeTtEr wHeN i FeeL LyK iM At My L0wEsT. He'LL SaY S0MeTHiNG T0TALLy RaND0M nD i WiLL StArT LAuGHiN.SUzy, y0UrE My W0rLD! i L0vvE y0U S0000000 MUcH! i D0Nt KN0w wHAT i W0UlD D0 iF i DIDNt HAvE y0U~ iM HAPPy ThAT y0U G0t My BAkK. D00dE y0UrE ThE BeST!! yOUrE CAriN, SMaRt[aT TiMEs..L0L], KiNd, GeNeR0Us, y0UrE N0t Fat! y0UrE SeXii aS HeLL AnY GiRL W0UlD Be LUCky T0 DaTe y0U, nD y0U KN0w iT! S0 D0Nt GiVe 0Ut y0UrE L0vE iF ThE BxTcH D0nT DeSeRvE iT!!! 0KAy WELL..iMA G0 BaKK 0N My MySPAcE! BUt y0U KN0w i L0vE y0U ANd i WiLL ALwyS Be HeRE F0r y0U.!!~~..//
&hearts:ThE FUCkiN AsiAN!
a few people i would like to meet is tupac nd snoop dogg
i love to listen to music as a matter of fact i am listening to it right now i only listen to rap and r&b.
i like all movies that r funny like for example napolian dinomite, the ringer , scarry movie 1, 2, 3 , nd 4 , but i will pretty much watch anything once. so if u wanna go see a movie just hit me up
i luv to watch tv but i would rather be out side doing something like sports nd jumping on my trampoline but i like shows like football, jackass, wildboys, full house, viva la bam, , south park, homewrecker, nd many more but basicly anything where people do dumb stuff like on jackass so yea
spit yo game
spiderman superman nd the incredible hulk