Mr OMBRE is my alter-ego, my other face, my second side, my personal way.Mr OMBRE was born in my mind in 1999 when i made my first solo album "LE FOSSOYEUR".It was a really dark album about treason, betrayal and vengeance.This album was a story about that, it started with "My funeral" and at ended "Their funeral".My new album's coming soon,"BALLADE V1.0"
about love, hatred, pain, break up, loss, sadness, jealousy...all the feelings we try to control like a MAESTRO controls his orchestration, yet sometimes we can't, when the mask is down, the reality comes i create emotional ballades with my music ( a mix of all influences i had in my life ), with my words as i'm the MAESTRO of my own life, my own ballade and when my Maestro's mask comes down, slips, i'm scared of my own reality...Welcome to my worldMr OMBRE..