American Bully Breeder for over seven years now. Like all things it started with a vision soon after came a goal of my ideal bully. Dogs i've produced reside in Tejas, D.C. and all over Kansas. Dub City Kennel owned & operated by Daniel Galindo.
When it all started seven years ago it began with my lil man named O.D. nicknamed OverDose. I've had many dogs over these past seven years and maybe only one has come close to what O.D. was... He was ahead of his time :P I have very few pics of him, it was all about the dogs and no recginiton once upon a time... Now he gone, but never forgotten! For now we breeding that Gottiline & Razor Edge stock.. If you don't know ask somebody.
Always got something in the works. To own your own Dub Town Bull call Daniel @ 316-267-3702. Our prices range between 500-$2500 a pup. So don't come short playas.
Folks we only do a few breedings a year, so get in where you fit in. Like all things cheap things aren't good and good things aren't cheap!