"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
~Howard Thurman
If Audrey Hepburn, my idol, were still around...there's nothing I wouldn't give to sit and talk with her. Other than that, I know I'll meet Jesus in Heaven someday.
Phantom of the Opera! I'm throwing a...
Formal Masquerade Ball
for my 21st birthday celebration!! So save the date, ya'll!! It's December 8th of '06!!
And, How to Steal a Million! {basically AnYtHiNg to do with Audrey Hepburn} She is my idol and I absolutely adore her in every way; she is a true lady and I ♥ her!
My newest PASSION are PIRATES!!! Pirates of the Caribbean is on the top of my list at the moment ;-) but, anything to do with pirates will soo get my attention. I want to be a real pirate sailing the seven seas with Johnny Depp for life!! Hahaha
i also luv to see comedies, action, & scary stuff as well
Love it!!
Well, another collection I have is a bunch of older antique books. If it's a good read, I've probably read it already. The Bible & The Purpose Driven Life should go hand in hand. My favorite at the moment {could be because of the whole "pirate" thing} is the original Treasure Island. Lol, BPS ~ you know we could recite The Pearl, MacBeth & Beowulf three times over!!
Jesus Christ
My Momma & Daddy
Aunt Linda
My Grandparents
Audrey Hepburn