B.O.T.swana profile picture


Hello MOTO

About Me

Im a very sporty guy, love my cricket the most tho......... i love to go out with my mates and saving up to go to England..... but need a job after quitiing my last job.. coz Jacki is a SOB and well this is my myspace... i have been fooling around with and this looks like its gonna b the end result for now..ok im a huge killers fan and also yellowcard but im the biggest Family Guy fan and The Evil Monkey is the Best character in the show and ill challenge anyone to prove that wrong... well Aussies are champs at cricket again nothing new there but most of all love to get out and down the pubs or clubs attempting to pick up ( most likely failing, not even trying or to drunk to pick up ) got give a shout out to my favourite CuZ Kate Mutimer shes the funniest and smartest person i know..... well if u wanna have a chat add me on msn @ [email protected] catch ya NathWHO I WOULD LIKE TO MEET:yer well keeping with the sporty vibe........... i would want to meet Shane Warne and Mike Hussey and spend a day with them both.... wouldn't mind Topher Grace looks like a funny bloke... but gotta meet up with Jessica Alba shes my dream girl

My Interests

Well take a guess ................... SPORTS ......................... Mostly Cricket........ this sport is more interesting when u no the rules and how to play......... i love to go out to some clubs and be with friends mainly the crew ..... i love my cool mate Penny top bloke no one will ever b better then that guy

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


anything to do with dance and some of the oldies now and then aint bad at all Love Generation - Bob Sinclar


Any movie with Bruce Willis in it his the greatest actor alive


Yer i got foxtel so when i get a chance i watch the stuff now and then


All iv got our cricket heros ............ some local players and some international players............ all the mountie ones players are top guys except my brother Tom but no one beats THe sultan of spin Shane Warne