Friends: i love them so much and to see my friends happy is one of the greatest joys in this world... Family: mine is huge,i love them all...Running: i love to run for so many reasons...Brazil: i think i left a piece of my heart in that country...Travel: i love to packand repack and upack and fly and ride in strange taxis and learn about different cultures and meet new people and walk new streets and stay in tons of hotels and try exotic foods and every part of the entir travel expeience...Teaching: i love to tell people of all ages about the overwhelming love of my Bridegroom...Conversation: i love to have discussions about everything or nothing at all...Movies: i love to see a good movie with great friends...Life: i love this pre-eternity life that i get to enjoy daily...
More Fiery Revivalist!
I've got this thing for JT right now...I know...I know, but he's awesome!
The Notebook, rememberr the Titans, and Oceans 11; 12, and soon to be 13!!!!!!Wooo!
I love Miami Ink!
One of my favorite books is The Bride; an allegory on Song of Solomon.
I've got a few. I've learned that heroes come into your life evryday, you just have to keep you eyes open to them.