Inspired by Jack Johnson, John Mayer, and Jason Mraz, I make a kind of a music I call "Izzy Listening", which is alternative and mostly acoustic. I started playing guitar last summer right after I recovered from surgery which put me in a wheelchair for three months. I had lessons for about 8 months, and anything I didn't learn in lessons, I taught myself. I think I excelled in the guitar most, out of all the instruments i've played, because i've played other instruments for short periods of time, and they were fun but with this one I instantly fell in love with it! Recently, (7/4-7/7) I learned how to play the ukulele which I bought to play Bruddah Iz's song "What A Wonderful World/Somewhere Over The Rainbow" for my sister's Bat Mitzvah. I love writing music that makes people happy or evokes emotions and especially writing songs that everyone can relate to. I don't wanna be a singular demographic singer like most young artists today. When I write a song I want not just little Jimmy and Sarah to enjoy my song, but Mom and Dad too![LOVEMYFLASH]