*I'm Selfish, Impatient, And A Little Insecure. I Make Mistakes, I Am Out Of Control, And At Times A Little Hard To Handle..But If You Cant Handle Me At MY Worst, Then You Sure AS FUCK Dont Deserve ME At MY Best* *We Were Givin Two Hands To HOld. Two LEgs To Walk. Two Ears To LiSTen. BUT, Why Only One ♥HeARt? Beacuse The OTher Was Givin To SomeONe For Us To Find ♥* *After Awhile You Learn The Difference Between Holding Hands, And Falling In Love. You Begin To Relize That Kisses Dont Always Mean Something. And Promises Can BE Broken Just As Quickly As They Are Made...And Goodbyes, Really Are Forever.* So True:::))) I'm Kursten.. ♥Im In Love♥.One day i will be Mrs. Grajeda... Im going to be a mommy &hearts&; I'm not your average chick....The one who says D.G.A.F.. i mean it..I dont give a fuck.. A note: If your in my past, there is a reason your there. I am obsessed with twilight, just like my friends Shelbs and Cayla...They are the coolest friends! Shelb is my best friend cause i can tell her anything and not feel weird at all and she can tell me anything and not feel weird..it is the best realationship if i was a man i would so steal her from lou and everyone whos anyone already know X and lou have butt sex so they can just go back to dating full time...lol...i love inside jokes... ohhhhhhh ansd jess!!!! she rocks my socks...she comes from MB to see me all the time now and we are always laughin when her an britt come down..its awsome..she is alkso obsessed with twilight and i love it!!! we make the best lebian couple..lol "(ho offence shelbs!!:D)...and last but definatly not least BRITT!! she lets me be completly crazy act a foo...and scream at people..i love her and we complete eachother in ways no one will understand!!!Well......I ♥love♥ music. I cant help it..and since someone stole my ipod i am freaking the fuck out. When i have music on all the thoughts that are going on in my head just stop and its nice to be able to not have everything going through my head all the time...I like my music loud, fast, and crazy... Just like me ^_^
I love watching movies every now and then, some of my favorites are: 300!!!!,Ferngully, Stick it, Reqiuem For A Dream, Grind, BIO DOME!!, Girl Interupted and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And for shows: Degrassi, Queer As Folk Layout by CoolChaser Get Myspace Layouts At GraphicsHunt.com