amyrah profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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loves to meet new ppl..Enjoys watching movies and sports..been playing netball,basketball, to who appreciates and returns others ppl's kindness,gives in to others,like to help others financially,emotionally.etc..talkative..cheerful but can be emotional at times:)Am a Futsal Fanatic..Haha..Loves Famous Amos cookies very much...And definitely love Ferrero Rocher and Maltesers..Loves Futsal..Love my Life..Love all those ppl around me..Who knows..I might fall in love with..U!!:)

My Interests

LAW?? haha..Bowling, Singing,Dancing, PLaying futsal and netball..and of course..talking (got to practice for trials..hehe)

I'd like to meet:

Just about everybody in their right minds..this certain some1..can't tell though:)


Just about everything except for some certain songs which makes my eardrums hurt and which does not make sense at all


Da Vinci Code, Transformers, Legally Blonde, Jawbreaker


Oprah Winfrey Show, Detik Berdansa and lots more


Da Vinci Code, The Last Boy


My DAD..Johari Bin Haji Zakariah..and also my brothers(for being strong enough to go through a challenging life all these years..Congrats guys)

My Blog

Poem dedicated to YOU, MI Amour..

In Many ways I am thankful to Allah swt for giving me the best year ever and for blessing me with all the wonderful things that had happened in the past 23 years that i have been in this world. No dou...
Posted by amyrah on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:03:00 PST

zaoshang hao!!!

it's already 1am n i'm not asleep in the middle of finals...aargh!!am losing a lot of hair..guess by the time i finish law school..i'll be as bald as...hmmm let me c...can't think of anyone ri...
Posted by amyrah on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST