the pAst is AlreAdy pAst,
dOn't try tO reGain it....
the preSent doeS not Stay...
dOn't try tO tOuch it,
froM MoMent to MoMent,
the fUtUre iS sTalling....
BLINK.... aNd iT wiLL disappear ......
eCleCtiC TasTe dRives mE ........ my personality may be to much at times, but i am as real as i am gonna get. I have no time to sit around and be fake for your pleasure. I'd rather not and say we did =O
= "In spIte of the sIghs" =
reluctant ghost of my truncated fever dream, you are exactly what you seem,and though you burn through my matter with grace and ease, i hesitate to believe......i, powerless......., swirl in the orbit of your alter alongside all i Love & Loathe, wasted in a sprawl at the steps of your temple i feel at home,from the splendid dawn through the tentative eve, in spite of the sighs of resignation that i breathe, at home in the familiar as well as in the strange, at home in a world i still wish to CHANGE
a href="http://www.imagecross.com/"
A flower in a feild of weeds
< gOes tO shOw ........... yOu neVer reaLLy knOw >
thOse whO are truLey haPPy ........... (who's that?)